ridiculous rating
Nice effects though.
Brilliant and touching
A bit overrated, but still an amazing film
I watched Gemini on a whim. It was at the library and so I just grabbed it. I must say, I was surprised and impressed with this original and fresh Neo-Noir film. Gemini follows the complex relationship of a Hollywood star and her assistant. A terrific crime sends the assistant across Los Angeles to unravel the mystery. The film leaves you curious and wanting more after every turn. These days, movies are getting less and less original, but Gemini was fresh off the rack. With amazing and mysterious cinematography, fast paced dialogue and a suspenseful soundtrack, Gemini is a must watch that I highly recommend!
Begins hopeful, with the prospects of being a fresh movie, fresh idea and script. But as stated by other reviews the quality and the 'pace' of the story quickly decline.
It feels like they tried to give off some kind of Mullholland Drive vibe, but halfway decided to open the 'box of lame'. Felt promising, but turned out to be not as good initially anticipated. Worth the watch though (if you have a spare hour and a half).
A heinous crime tests the complex relationship between a tenacious personal assistant and her Hollywood starlet boss. As the assistant unravels the mystery, she must confront her own understanding of friendship, truth and celebrity. Gemini is kind of interesting but also very serious, slow and quite boring to the point where someone will forget it eventually pretty sooner than later. (0/10)
Gemini starts strong. The set-up, if you will, is well done. Tension slowly builds and the event, the "heinous crime," happens as expected. The assistant/friend of the celebrity is under suspicion, as expected. There are some tense moments when questions are asked, and the assistant takes off to find her own answers. After this point, nothing that happens comes as a surprise, or adds to the film. In the end, it's not clear what the movie is trying to say. If it is saying the things that one thinks it is, then it's way too subtle. The events present an opportunity for the assistant to take charge, to have the upper hand, but she doesn't seem to? Not clear. At some point we're to think that the celebrity is a bit evil, manipulating everyone around her, but then again, maybe not. Back and forth, the film left us with a "meh, not sure what that was trying to say." There were also some scenes that did not really serve a purpose, or the same purpose could have been fulfilled in a better way (the meeting with Jaime, for example, or the coffee scene with the detective and Stan).