George Lucas in Love

1999 "Dozens of years ago, in a nearby galaxy..."
7.6| 0h8m| en

1967 film student George Lucas has writer's block trying to finish his "Space Wheat" script, until a beautiful fellow student with a familiar hairstyle teaches him that the best stories are in plain sight.


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Also starring Martin Hynes


Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Matcollis This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.
Hulkeasexo it is the rare 'crazy' movie that actually has something to say.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
peefyn This short is first and foremost a parody, with its gimmick being lifted from "Shakespeare in love", only condensed and exaggerated in a brilliant manner. It takes you back to when George Lucas was writing Star Wars, and shows how his environment influenced the script he was writing. Obviously, the movie is not based on Lucas' true story, it's all fictionalized and quite ridiculous.Some complain that the movie is too short, but its one gimmick would only last that long. The ending, as it is, is great. In addition to parodying Shakespeare in love and George Lucas, it also says something in general about inspiration. It's also structured in a way where the "gags" keep surprising you, as they are in no clear order, and you never know how many more there will be.Obviously it's the most fun if you are a fan of Star Wars, but it is really enough to have a general sense of the characters and the plot of Star Wars to see this. You also don't have to have seen Shakespeare in Love.
Face_teh_Dark GEORGE LUCAS IN LOVEA Joe Nussbaum parody1967. George Lucas (convincingly nerdy Martin Hynes) is having trouble finishing his script for his epic about space oats, "3XR-259.7". When he meets Marion (Lisa Jakub) he finds true love and realizes that inspiration is right in front of him.The spoof genre is a tough one. If it works, it can be hilarious, if it doesn't, it's often dreadful. Movies like Not Another Teen Movie are perfect examples of what a bad spoof is: lazy writing, lame attacks on famous movies, mind-numbingly stupid jokes, and an inconsistent plot.Thankfully, GEORGE LUCAS IN LOVE is everything a spoof should strive to be. The jokes are clever, subtle and spot-on. The characters are hilarious spoofs of famous "Star Wars" names, especially the backwards-talking professor (Patrick Kerr), George's stoned roommate (Jason Peck) and his visions, and the evil asthmatic Aaron (Jeff Wiens).The acting is top-notch, even if most of the cast members' characters are purely for comedic purpose. The best part of the movie is probably the shattering twist at the end.GEORGE LUCAS IN LOVE is a movie that does perfectly what it's supposed to do. It generates many chuckles but even though it's a very good production and a clever spoof, the laugh out loud-level is not as high as in another recent Star Wars spoof, the hilarious "A Lost Hope". Still, it is a good spoof film and easy to enjoy. 8 out of 10.
clowncow49 Way back in 1967, a certain director had no idea about a galaxy, far away or near. He was trying to complete a movie with the title THX etc. this short is a remanufactured history of a certain George. i am sorry it has only cuteness to defend it. This is merely an advertising promo for the director, actors, et. al. It has little intrinsic artistic value. It is a brochure. The lead playing George, is very fine, as is the Leia character, and the ersatz Darth character. All else is plain commercial dross. What a waste. Still, it got the job done I guess. The rest of the movie is merely treading water to kill time I guess. a brochure only.
FilmStalker This short film surpasses other shorts that spoof 'Star Wars.' An interesting mesh of Shakespeare in Love invades Lucas as he takes on film school. There is not much explanation as to why this movie short is so good with the reason being it would ruin the viewing experience. All I can say is if you like George Lucas or loathe him, you will enjoy this.

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