
1962 "No bullet could kill him. No army could capture him."
5.8| 1h41m| NR| en

In 1883, the Apache Indians lead by Geronimo reluctantly surrender to the attacks of American and Mexican troops, in exchange for a territory and food for their warriors. Soon though, Geronimo escapes the camps and declares war against the Americans.


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UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Melanie Bouvet The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Wizard-8 I should admit that I have no idea how accurate this biopic is of the legendary Native American called Geronimo. It's probably just loosely based on the real events surrounding him, so I probably should judge the movie on its entertainment level. I thought for the most part it was an okay western. While I would have preferred a real Native American to play the title role, I have to admit Chuck Connors did well, giving his character an intensity and charisma that keeps you watching and interested despite the script problems. The script problems include the movie not really going deep in his character, and ending at a point that will make you wonder what happened in real life to Geronimo afterwards. But despite these and other script problems, I have to admit that I was never bored, so I'll give this movie a pass.
Steve Katchur Although this movie has stale writing, uninspiring acting, and a cheesy plot, an understanding of the Historical context of the film adds much to one's viewing enjoyment. The movie, by no means, claims to be historically accurate (Geronimo is played by a white guy with make-up!), but it is a socially commentary on a century of unmoral and assimilationist Indian Policy in the United States. During the early 1960s President John F. Kennedy proposed a revision of this policy, calling for the recognition of Native Americans as distinct Nations. Kennedy's proposition was a dramatic diversion from the Indain Policy of administrations before him. This movie highlights, the poor conditions of the reservations, the forced conversion of Aboriginals to Christianity, and the policy's attack on the Aboriginal culture and way of life. This historical context, coupled with Adam West (who rocks my socks!) adds to the enjoyment of this film.
Neil Doyle There's really nothing to distinguish GERONIMO from any standard Hollywood western about outlaws, except that this time it's a lone outlaw against the U.S. cavalry at a time when Indian treaties were being broken and the Indians wanted to fight over territorial rights. Nothing complex here, just a fictionalized account of Geronimo's love for an Indian woman who bears him a son before the fadeout and after the final battle.Blond and blue-eyed CHUCK CONNORS isn't anyone's idea of an Indian so it's hard to tell what the casting director was thinking, but he does a commendable job of looking like one, thanks to make-up and costumes, except for the blue eyes. He makes no attempt at any sort of native accent but his stoic manner and steely-eyed gaze does help the characterization. KAMALA DEVI is good as the Indian woman who bears his child and ADAM WEST has a pivotal role as a sympathetic officer.Nicely photographed but short on battle skirmishes, it makes passable entertainment but is hardly an outstanding western by any yardstick, dull in some stretches with a less than inspired script.
Brandt Sponseller The film begins with Geronimo (Chuck Connors) "surrendering" by agreeing on a treaty that gives his Apaches land on a reservation in Arizona. However, things quickly go wrong while on the reservation. Geronimo leaves with a band of warriors and declares war on the United States. The majority of the film is the story of this war, told from Geronimo's perspective.While the script and direction are fairly pedestrian here (with the exception of a few fantastic shots of sunsets and landscapes), Geronimo works because of a number of excellent performances, including Connors, Ross Martin (as Mangus), Kamala Devi (as Teela), Pat Conway (as Captain William Maynard), and Adam West (as Delahay).The film is also surprisingly complex in terms of sociological subtexts. With one clear exception (having to do with a subversive sale of land), there are no clear "bad guys" and "good guys" here. Rather, the conflicts of the film are portrayed as resulting from cultural dispositions, duty and necessity. Each character or group of characters is responsible for some behavior that is a fairly serious crime (legal or moral) in the eyes of other characters, and each is seeking an improvement of their lot, mostly with a desire that the other parties understand their position better.However, there's no need to expect heavy-handed intellectualism from the film. On the surface, this is a quality western with a great deal of suspense, although perhaps too lacking in big battle scenes for some western fans. There are a number of smaller battles, but the focus is always on the strategy behind them rather than the battle itself, and in my eyes, that makes them interesting and suspenseful in a way that more clichéd action scenes wouldn't achieve. Geronimo is much more about a clash of cultures, and successfully spends a lot of time on Geronimo's relationships with Mangus and Teela. An 8 out of 10 for me.