Ghosts of Darkness

2017 "A New Breed Of Ghost Hunter"
4.6| 1h23m| en

Two paranormal investigators are unexpectedly thrown together in the hope of solving a 100 year mystery. Locked for three nights in a house with a dark and unsettling past, the two investigators must put their differences to one side and work together. They soon discover the myths and stories are nothing compared to what actually resides within the eerie walls of Richwood Manor. Scepticism and showmanship are soon put to one side when the two investigators realise there is more at stake than just their professional reputation. For once they have stumbled onto the real thing, but this time it's their own lives at stake.


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Clear Focus Movies


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Also starring Paul Flannery


Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
refinerychick That being said, I did not find it entirely unlikable. The premise was interesting at first but once some things were revealed, it didn't really go anywhere with the info or finish the story along those lines. I wanted them to go more in-depth with the reveal. Instead, it just became a silly try-to-scare-ya movie, which fell flat.While Michael Koltes performance as Jack the paranormal investigator was lackluster and stoic, Paul Flannery as Jonathan the psychic steals every scene he's in with his Cumberbatch acting (reminiscent of Dr. Strange)/Sirius Black look. I finished watching it just for his performance alone, wanting to see what he would do next. It definitely kept me from falling asleep. If your a Cumberbitch, you'll enjoy his performance because his delivery is VERY similar. Its the main reason I rated it as high as I did.
Michael Ledo The film opens with the girl being dragged across the floor and not the closing shot. Afterwards Sarah (Morgan Faith Keith) shows her father Mike Johnson (Cameron Mowat) what she thinks of her cereal breakfast. It appears the Richmond Manor has some possession issues. Two polar opposite ghost hunters are called in to give the house a clean bill of health. Jonathan Blazer (Paul Flannery) is old school psychic equipped with candles, salt, and a Ouija board. Jack Donavan (Michael Koltes) is new school with electronic gadgets. He is also a skeptic and believes Blazer to be a phony and doesn't mind saying so. The two are tasked to spend three days in the house, come out and say "nothing happened." Except something does happen.The film starts out with music and events that make you think it is supposed to be a comedy-horror. There are later events to indicate this too, however when the film attempts to take itself seriously, it fails. Perhaps the worst scene in the film was when Jack laments about his dead wife to Blazer. We have already seen what happened in a flashback. Jack speaks very slowly taking Shatneresque dramatic pauses that dragged along giving us information we already know. Just run the clip again! There were scenes that reminded me of "House" (1985) but they didn't pan out as well. Better than most horror films out there with some originality. Paul Flannery gives a good performance with unkempt hair reminding me of a little of Gary Oldman as Sirius Black.Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
Indyrod Just watched a great possessed house movie "Ghosts of Darkness", where two men are hired to stay in the house for three nights, and prove it is safe even though many many people have died in it over a long period of time, and nobody has lasted more than three nights. IMO, this is one of best such movies I've seen for a while. The makeup and special effects are awesome, and it is filled with some great jump scares. Really good script, outstanding performances, and about all you would want. I highly recommend this dandy.
Jack James It should be rated much more higher on overall ratings.I don't like to reveal the story and I won't..... Because If I did, I would Spoil the Fun....BUT the STORY. 8 / 10.... Good Mystery and Horror ACTING 8 /10.... Loved itDIRECTION 8 /10..... Really Good JobMUSIC 8 / 10..... The Music makes you get into the movie even more.OVERALL FILM 7.5 / 10 In the end a Good Film about a haunted mansion and the mystery is why they are invited there and what happens eventually..... WATCH IT TO KNOW.... I Enjoyed it and So Shall You..... Guaranteed.... A MUST WATCH.... Thanks For Reading... Thumps up if it was helpful.. ENJOY 😊