
4.6| 1h26m| en

GHOUL is a supernatural horror film involving the real life story of the Soviet Union's most violent serial killer, Andrei Chikatilo. Three Americans travel to the Ukraine to film a documentary about the cannibalism epidemic that swept through the country during the famine of 1932. After being lured deep into the Ukraine forest for an interview with one of the last known survivors, they quickly find themselves trapped in a supernatural hunting ground.


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Also starring Jennifer Armour

Also starring Paul S. Tracey

Also starring Inna Belikova


Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Argemaluco Ghoul is an absolutely execrable pseudo-documentary "horror" film with hateful characters who videotape every second from their useless lives and have never-ending arguments in order to fill in the time between "terrifying" moments which don't generate any terror, suspense or even surprise. The only positive thing about this piece of junk is that it lasts for only 86 minutes, so the holy end credits don't take too long to show up. And the least I say about the actors, the better... their performances make their characters even more hateful than they already are. The screenplay is a confusing parade of unconnected ideas which desperately try to wake any interest on us; in other words, we have a cannibal, ghost appearances, demonic possession, spiritualist sessions, dark catacombs, a post-Soviet witch and videos from a serial killer... anything to fill in the time and unnecessarily complicate the awful screenplay. Might we have reached the lowest point in "found footage" cinema? Might things get better after this vomitive film? I don't think so. In fact, it seems that things can always fall lower in this type of cinema. "Hope is a mistake", like Max Rockatansky says in Mad Max: Fury Road. If you excuse me, I'm going to rewatch that masterpiece in order to erase Ghoul from my memory.
ahen412 This movie is probably the mixed up baby of Blair Witch and Chernobyl Diaries... and that baby should've been aborted. Please stop making "faux documentaries" and found footage movies that start of with 30-45 min of complete bullshit fake home movie dialogue. It's a cliché, and considering it is 2015.. a lot of people don't react like its the late 1980's and someone showed up to a family reunion with a camcorder.I'm not one to completely trash a movie, and if you're like me you'll watch it anyway despite the reviews. I just thought I'd weigh in on how a once promising way of low-budget filmmaking has turned into a cheap way to produce the same garbage over and over...Nothing redeeming about this one, and if you're reading this from Ukraine.. on behalf of Americans, I'm Sorry...
yun933141 So I just watched this movie and i must say. I loved it. So yes I know its not the best thought out movie but it's a found footage horror movie and for me that's saying something. If this were not a found footage i wouldn't have the same i'm there with them' feeling. I listen to all these bad reviews about how all these found footage movies that are coming out are all just a bunch off horse.... I don't get it. For me seeing this makes me feel like my eyes are the eyes of the camera which makes me feel i'm there experiencing the horror with them in conclusion scarring the bananas out of me more than a non-fond footage movie. As for this found footage horror movie I would definitely put this to my favorite horror movies collection:) I liked the story, the acting was decent and the effects were great. I give it a 9/10. That is a lot I know but i'm a fan of this particular genre:D And for you who's considering to watch this movie...Try watching this movie alone in the dark and we shall see who doesn't like found footage horror movies. Oh and don't forget to turn up the sound:P Have fun and enjoy. PS: Again the movie is veri gud:)
David Kennedy I went to see GHOUL with my recent-college-grad son and college-age daughter. I ended up wearing part of her popcorn when one of the shots scared the heck out of her. Too funny, at the time, but also a testimony to some nice crafting by the filmmakers. (Okay, maybe I jumped a little, too). Very interesting and creative use of actual historical events and real persons to create a horror movie that was made the impossible plausible, was fun to watch, and which was genuinely creepy in parts.I also bought into the basic "quest" behind the movie -- a group of movie makers investigate an actual cannibalism event for a reality show -- largely, I think, because GHOUL set up the fictional "reality" with actual historical shots of famine victims and extremely creepy shots of the base character - a real life, modern-day, convicted "cannibal", among others.For me, this blending of reality with fiction effectively jump-started, and then maintained, the story with a solid dose of plausibility.The characters who set up the supposed "reality" were also well-played and believable; in fact, their "normality" was critical to keeping me "in" the movie.All in all, a "participation" / "popcorn" movie well worth seeing, even if you end up wearing some of it.