Ginger and Cinnamon

2003 "A summer of broken diets, nervous girls, sleeping bags, sex, and a little..."
6.5| 1h44m| NR| en

Stefania works in a bookshop. Shortly before closing for summer holidays, Andrea, who was left behind by his fiancée, enters the store.


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Medusa Film


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Also starring Stefania Montorsi

Also starring Marco Piras


Konterr Brilliant and touching
Breakinger A Brilliant Conflict
Helloturia I have absolutely never seen anything like this movie before. You have to see this movie.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
MartinHafer Wow, did I feel torn about this film! On one hand, the film had some exceptional characters (in particular the aunt). But, on the other, the play was so inappropriate and sick in how it dealt with teen sexuality it really made me angry. If you look at this film from a completely amoral standpoint, it is a very good film with a lot to recommend it. As a parent and teacher, I was just horrified at times as I watched.First, what I liked. Aunt Stefania was a great character. At the beginning of the film, she was extremely rigid and controlling and so naturally her relationship with her boyfriend, Andrea, was falling apart. This opening sequence was extremely funny as they contrasted how both viewed the health of their relationship. He was miserable and yet all the terrible things she did, she saw them as the strengths of their relationship! Later, towards the end, there was a cute little twist that brought them back together. Throughout the film, some very good (but morally suspect) writing really kept my interest. Plus, having the beautiful backdrop of the Greek Isles made this film exciting to watch.Now as for the bad. Stefania's niece, Megghy, was a horrible mess of a character. Although she was not quite 15, her sole ambition in life was to love her virginity with ANYONE and lose it quickly! In addition, she was a habitual liar and a self-absorbed little jerk. Now had she faced any consequences for this, it could have been funny or interesting--but this never happened.What bothered me in particular is that Stefania is supposed to be an adult. Megghy lies to the aunt about a girl scout trip in order to go to the Greek Isles to get laid. When this supposedly responsible aunt discovers the ruse as well as why Megghy wants to go, she basically allows Megghy to run amok through the very horny island trying to find a willing partner and drink herself into oblivion! While Megghy looked older than her chronological age, her judgment was completely unsound and she was a child--and she was a likely candidate to get raped or get an STD or become pregnant (even if she went with her aunt to pick up boxes of condoms). This was supposed to be cute and funny--but to me it just seemed sleazy and morally bankrupt. Had Megghy been an adult, then perhaps you might have felt uncomfortable about her dippy behavior but you'd agree that as an adult she's free to mess up her own life. But to have the aunt help facilitate? This is just sick. Had Megghy wanted to become an assassin or sexually abuse farm animals, would Aunt Stefania have said 'no'? This film desperately needed some adults who were willing to behave as adults.Excellent but depraved writing--I worry what messages this film might be sending to young and impressionable kids.
sashagb Superb. Simply superb. This film has a way of making you relate to each one of the main characters in a witty, funky and delightful way. It manages to make a point without taking itself too seriously. It takes place on the Island of Ios in the Cyclades...and somehow, for the two hours you are watching, you feel like you're there! It becomes your story. After watching it, I always feel so elated and happy (which is rare, I assure you). I hope this director continues to make films, as her perspective is refreshing, entertaining and enlightening. I'm very excited to see what else she comes up with. As a side note, the soundtrack is also wonderful. I wish it was more readily available.
violadelconte It's hard to understand how this movie can be considered so lowly when thousands of computer-copied comedies every year get lot of consideration and even accolades. Mh. Maybe it's the pace, or the language (for non-Italian speakers), or the lack of big stars, but it still stings me.This movie has a great story (for a comedy), brilliantly directed by Luchetti, and perfectly played by the 3 main characters.I don't know what's the big deal with Megghy's whines. Maybe they sound odd for non-Italian speakers, but they are wonderfully over the line if you can get the spirit (and the words). I think the producers wanted this movie to be internationally sellable, but from this perspective, and by reading the comments, I think they failed: this is a little undiscovered gem but not to be sold in the English speaking market, as it appears to go misunderstood. Best example of this is the final scene: Maybe Luchetti himself mentioned this supposed Bollywood tribute, but unless they changed the song in the international version of the movie, I fail to see how the GLORIOUS voice of "the siren" Mina can be in any way related to Bollywood musical skits and bits.The ending, the song, and the whole film, is a 100% Italian product. I am not a proud Italian at all, and I don't especially love Italian cinema (not the one produced in the last 25 years). This is just a fact: music, characters, acting.. all too Italian to be completely appreciated just reading some subtitles.Bottom line: I loved it!
ChristinaZee This movie was very good. I watched it a few weeks ago and couldn't help myself from watching it again last night. I love the way that they portray Italian's. Free, crazy, loving, confused... all the things that people truly are. Here in America we tend to forget that people in other countries are just that... people... this shows a lot about men and the way they are with women. at first, the ex wouldn't even look at the niece, but then, after her persistence, he gives in, even giving her a kiss on her cheeks when she shows up the one day. i also love the way the family is together. when megghy finds out who he is at her b-day party, she grabs the aunt by her hair and goes to knee her in the face. it is just funny how expressive Italian's are... i should know... my mother was born in Italy...