
2008 "Nice to have your friends for dinner..."
3.4| 1h30m| en

In this dark, tongue in cheek, British Horror, six friends take a holiday in the heart of the English countryside which turns into a culinary nightmare when they discover that their hosts are a sadistic family of cannibals, set on turning their guests into their next meal! It's nice to have your friends for dinner


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Straightwire Films


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Also starring Hiram Bleetman

Also starring Sara Dylan


WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Inclubabu Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.
PlatinumRead Just bad
Stephan Hammond It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
kittenkongshow One thing I shouldn't do before watching a film is read the reviews on here.I wonder if some of the slating is due to the early reviews being fake ones probably cast/crew.So the film...It's really a Brit Low Budget run through Texas Chainsaw with the added food factor, It's not badly done and runs nicely through the Horror film clichés that we all know and love.It's a short film (without credits around 65m) so it doesn't outstay it's welcome (although the scenes of the people getting there are in need of an edit) - Take it as a homage to TCM and such like and you can except the fact it isn't original.It's another one I got from a pound shop and it was worth the money.
scootmandutoo There are 2 sets of reviews for this flick. The first, obvious batch, is from those involved with making it, they give it incredible raves. Those have been rightfully called out for being bogus.What I do not understand are those who have made this out to be one of the worst horror flicks ever. It's not even close to being that bad.Come on, any horror fan who decides to watch this flick knows exactly what they are going to be viewing...a cinematic marriage of "Motel Hell" and "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre." As if any of the "Saw" sequels, or "Fridays the 13th" sequels, or "Halloween" sequels (except for #3) were going to offer something original and different? So why rag on this one for being derivative? Were you expecting "Inception"? As opposed to some other low-budget flicks I have seen, this one offers some pretty good cinematography and while the characters are fairly stereotypical, the acting is actually rather serviceable.This film does have a few very gory moments, including a tongue-removal (a la "Mark of the Devil"). But in many other scenes, the gore is mostly left off screen. I think this was partially due to budgetary constraints, but I didn't mind. I watch horror more to be scared, not to be completely nauseated.The major flaw I found with "Gnaw" was its essential incompleteness. Without giving too much away, was the vegetarian fed 'meat' in the captivity which the film suggests, but doesn't show? Her fate? Unresolved. Perhaps, intentionally. Also, why would someone find an elaborately painted fingernail in their dinner and not react? Shouldn't there have been a scene where the innocent victims suddenly have a realization about what they are eating, while they are eating? Not in this movie, where a cohort rushes in with a revelation that quickly overshadows the discovery.And yes, why on earth would the 3 not attempt an escape together? Having said all that, this film did deliver its share of creepiness.Was it as awful as some posters would have you believe? Naw.
sifort2012 i watched this based on the poster and for the fact that i like checking out low budget uk horror films.its awful, its shot OK but the script feels like the first draft of a script writing student. whoever read it and said to the film makers 'thats good, shoot that' should be shot.the poor actors have to wander around either spouting meaningless nonsense or obvious exposition, the story hits all the beats that the books teach you to hit when writing a horror film but thats not enough to make a film work. its boring, the characters are all stereotypical to the point of nausea and its only positive point is that the make up fx guy should get some work from it.avoid, even if its on the TV.
thesar-2 After just watching the ironically un-amusing 'Amusement,' I took an even further step back with the playfully titled 'Gnaw.' Such as, if you see this in the video store, you should move on while saying, "Gnaw, we should watch a decent movie tonight." This movie was bad on many levels, and though mercifully it was only 90-minutes, it seemed to drag on to 3-hours. This definitely was my error, but I had thought I was getting into another giant mutated animal low-budget horror, thinking back to the 80's creature feature: 'Gnaw: Food of the Gods 2.' Nope, this was just an extremely simple, 100% rip off of, say, every single horror movie made. I mean, not an original idea was thought up. We've got all (but mainly #2) 'Texas Chainsaw Massacres,' (any one of the dozens of) 'Wrong Turn' (films), 'Motel Hell,' 'Friday the 13th,' 'Hostel' (or, all torture-porn films) and many, many more. Get this for a premise: six friends of all clichés and statuses venture out to a seemingly "normal" house in the middle of nowhere on a holiday when no one really knows that much about this place, but it sure sounds like a vacation full of booze, sex and relaxation. Someone not even born knows what's coming, so it's no spoiler to say there's a (sometimes) masked psycho bent on, go ahead guess. I'm really no killer, and I've already covered this in my apparently poorly conceived review of 'Shuttle,' but if you get a chance to stop/kill your attacker, you should do it. I would. 30-40 stabs would be released from me to make sure my initial bonk on the head of the killer wasn't the only blow. 1/funniest scenes involved someone ignoring this rule and reaching for his, what? Inhaler? Simply gnawful.

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