Godzilla vs. Biollante

1989 "The winner of this battle would be the most enormous enemy against human beings."
6.5| 1h45m| PG| en

After the previous Godzilla attack, a miniature arms race ensues to collect his cells. Concerned over Godzilla's possible return, the Japanese government uses the cells to create a new bio-weapon, ANEB (Anti-Nuclear Energy Bacteria). They seeks the aid of geneticist Genshiro Shiragami, who's experiments result in a new mutation.


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Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Bereamic Awesome Movie
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
SnakesOnAnAfricanPlain Another great entry into the rebooted franchise. It picks up where the last Godzilla films left of. However, it soon turns into an espionage thriller, Americans and, most dangerously of all, middle eastern folk, try and steal a Godzilla fragment to experiment with. It leads to the creation of a giant plant. Nothing too dangerous you might think, but as it mutates, the design is really quite breathtaking. This film once again takes it up a notch. It feels so genuine in its portrayal of the events, and even manages to convince the audience that this is all very real. As always, the score is truly dominant. It flows throughout the film bringing both dread and excitement. I loved how they gradually introduce the more "out there" ideas. This time, it's telekinesis with flowers. Like the classics, it is a story of man and nature, and how fooling around could lead to absolute destruction by giant monsters. There were also a number of humane touches and some maturity lacking from earlier attempts. When asked if he will go to America a young man says that he wont, as every country has bad things about it. For once, the foreign devils aren't to blame. Just humanity as a whole.
FilmExpertWannabe Despite its less than stellar performance at the box office in Japan, I actually think this is one of the better Godzilla films in the entire 29 (as it stands currently) movie series. For one thing, the plot is a lot more interesting and topical than the traditional beings from outer space or what have you. The character development isn't note worthy, which admittedly is one of the weaknesses of Godzilla films. Special effects work was quite good, on the other hand.Biollante herself is a wonder all her own, and she just might be the most original creation that is featured in a Godzilla movie. Her second/final form is amazing looking, although something other than a giant rose would've be preferred for the initial form. Her final form continues to hold the record for largest Toho monster. As a bit of an aside, it's a darn shame that Toho perceived Biollante's box office performance to indicate that audiences wanted to see almost exclusively Showa series monsters that Godzilla has already fought (multiple times in some cases).Downsides? Well, there is arguably too much going on for the humans. The new young military general heading the Super X II and greater anti-G mission seemed to be unnecessary for this film. It's just something that could've been trimmed being that it didn't add to the film in my opinion. Conversely, I wish they'd have explained a bit more regarding the agent following the agents following the G cells (did you catch that?). It isn't confusing in the film, but it could've been finished/explored a little better.Garnering an 8/10 from me, this is one of highest ratings I give any Godzilla film. A must see for anyone interested in giant monster movies, not just Godzilla. Perhaps that's the real message I'd like to convey. It's actually a good giant monster film, with no need to follow it up with something like "for a Godzilla movie". The real downside with this movie has nothing to do with the movie itself. You will only find official VHS copies if you're a region one consumer (American or Canadian). That's a real bummer in a world that upgraded to DVDs years ago. I still have my VHS copy (in widescreen!), but I'd really like them to offer region one DVDs and Blu-Rays.
The_Depressed_Star_Wars_fan This is a good movie. It's no masterpiece, but it is a good film. The plot to this movie, although weird, is very original, especially compared to a few of the Godzilla that had come before and after this movie. Scientists find some of Godzilla's cells and combine them to that of a plant. Why you would want to do something like that is beyond me. Then these weird Venus fly trap like things start appearing and eating people, and then a giant rose/monster creature appearers in the middle of some lake, the creature then gets named Biolante. So sure enough Godzilla then comes out of the volcano that he fell into in the film GODZILLA 1985. Godzilla goes to lake and battles Biolante. He actually ends up wining, to no ones surprise, and moves on and destroys Osaka. But then on his way to the beach, Biolante comes back and takes on a new form. This time she, oh Right I forgot to mention that in this flick they say that Biolante is a female, so she takes on the form of a plant/crocodile/Venus fly trap thing. So there's the whole synopsis. The acting in this movie is good. The effects in this movie are great. Which is good because of the fact that a lot of times in a Godzilla movie the special effects seem rushed. But here, thankfully, you can see that a decent amount of effort got put into this movie. This is a decent addition to the series and I do recommend it.
Aaron1375 This Godzilla movie was very unique and after viewing it I have now seen every Godzilla movie ever made! This one was a mixed bag as the DVD copy I got was in Japanese with no English subtitles so I had some trouble with the plot at times, but for the most part I understand what was going on. What I have heard about this movie was for the most part true as this one was rather violent for a Godzilla movie as there are quite a few killings of people in the early stages of the movie. The fights between Godzilla and Biorante were rather cool, but were also very short as I have often read from other reviews here at IMDb. However, it has a nice story from what I understood as people at the beginning of the film are trying to get Godzilla cells for some different types of purposes. However, all is not well in Japan as at this place doing psychic research some kids have had the same vision and they are drawing pictures of Godzilla. Yes, seems that volcano from the previous movie did not finish him off, which is cool as when I saw that film as a child even though watching Godzilla die in that film made me sad I told my mother that I bet he could survive a volcano. Somehow, with the possible return of Godzilla on the horizon the military begins scrambling and I think there is discussions of making some sort of anti Godzilla weapon, I thought they said a cyborg, but I may be mistaken. Well a scientist who lost his daughter I think in a terrorist type attack near the beginning of the film is given a Godzilla cell and he combines it with a rose cell and the monster Biorante is soon born. Seeing it at first I was thinking this thing does not stand a chance against Godzilla. Well Godzilla soon starts another rampage and the military launches the super X-2 an upgrade over that vehicle that fought Godzilla in the last movie. This time they wisely made it an unmanned vehicle. Well there are fights galore and a fight between Godzilla and what amounted to a large rose bush which I give points for it being very original. Later, Biorante would come back and be one of the coolest looking Godzilla enemies ever. It also was very underdeveloped as I think they could have made the fights longer as Biorante and Godzilla just seemed to be getting warmed up and the fight was over. I just so could see Biorante as a very good villain as it is tearing up everything with its vines and overrunning Tokyo and all of Japan and the only thing that can stop it is the power of Godzilla type affair and I would even have it scoop people up with its vines and essentially eat them. I just found Biorante rather creepy even in rose bush form and I think they could have done some dark things with it. In the end it was nice to finally see this one, as I finally saw the guy who was killed that the guy in Space Godzilla wanted to avenge.