Going Down in La-La Land

2011 "All he wanted was a little adulation."
6.2| 1h44m| NR| en

A fresh face comes to Hollywood to act in movies but only the gay porn studios are eager to provide him with work.


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Harockerce What a beautiful movie!
Hulkeasexo it is the rare 'crazy' movie that actually has something to say.
Sharkflei Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.
Jerrie It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
donwc1996 This film is a hoot - an absolute laugh riot. Allison Lane, the female lead, just about runs away with the film her scenes are so hilarious and she is so absolutely delightful. She is everyone's favorite fag hag. The two male leads are perfect for each other and their chemistry really lights up the film. The entire cast is perfect in fact including some famous Hollywood celebrities who make the most of their brief appearances. The film really captures the LA scene for those of us who know it and the photography and locations are great. Very, very funny with some bits that are not just campy but have you laughing your head off.
matthewlee1985 When I first stumbled across this film, the poster left me thinking it would be light on substance. It was an assumption I am glad did not deter me from watching. And now, having watched the film, the poster makes a lot more sense.The cast is strong and the storyline a great tale of celebrity and how despite all the trappings of success, stripped away we just all want to be loved.The characters are engaging and believable. Even the minor castings are strong - an example of how every detail was given a thorough once-over before the final cut.There's humour and a touching love story of courage and being true to yourself.In fact, the ending when Adam and John decide to go public with their relationship, despite the threat to John's television career, just lifted my spirits and it is a feeling that is staying with me. There's much to be said for being true to ourselves and embracing love.The only negative I can find after much trawling is the film felt a little slow in the beginning, although it quickly started to build momentum. This momentum was subsequently never lost, leading to a very poignant conclusion. It may have felt predictable, but what love story isn't? Candy is a great central character. She is shallow in some ways and career driven to the point where her obsession with celebrity is unhealthy. However, beneath this veneer is a good heart as she genuinely cares for Adam and his welfare. The hospital scene after Adam's wayward encounter with prescription drugs reinforces this.A lot of films with gay themes can focus heavily on stereotypes to try and generate humour. This film is better than that - more clever. The humour is genuinely funny and well-written.Overall, I am giving the movie a resounding nine stars because it's refreshing to see a diverse representation of gay people and a positive portrayal of gay relationships.In a world still besieged by negative connotations when it comes to homosexuality, a movie like this makes a bold statement and sends an uplifting message to gay youth.I started watching with some doubts and finished watching feeling impressed and uplifted by a truly well-told story.Definitely worth watching.
arizona-philm-phan ....."Brokeback Mountain." ......(*Alternate title for this review: "I Hear the Crabcakes are Excellent").In its first near two-thirds running time, "Going Down in Blah-Blah Land," is the typical "Hollywood meat grinder" story about all those aspiring, young Newbies scrambling for a foothold, after arriving in the world's film capital. (WARNING: Beware those Gay video porn-mills!). ....Ah, BUT, then come the very best parts, where we start to see...(well, you'll find that out, below).NOW TO OUR CAST: And saving the best for last, here's a glimpse at the major characters...beginning with:*Allison Lane, as the ditzy B(Girl)FF of the male Lead. Named "Candy", she is the supportive and often funny--yet sometimes tiresome--friend from back home. (Good for Allison...she gets more screen time than anyone other than our main star).Next, in a major (time-wise) supporting role, we have the Director, himself: Casper Andreas, playing a "User" of a guy, who we'll later see as the true scuzzball he becomes. (This viewer thinks Andreas would do well, in future, spending all his time BEHIND the camera....for I'm starting to picture him as he appears in his last scene---or is that just effective acting?).AND FINALLY: Let's speak to that "CHEMISTRY" mentioned above. RARELY, in an American produced Gay film, do we get to see such an emotionally deep relationship between two men. It was obviously developed by main actor, Matthew Ludwinski (as our gorgeous "Adam") and his co-lead, Michael Medico (as sweet, but closeted, "John") during their shooting time with one another. Their "few" scenes together will keep you RIVETED. We can a..l...most Touch what they burn off the screen at us. (And there's the shame of this movie: 56 and one-half minutes into it before we even see this couple together--except for a "prologue" of sorts). NEVERTHELESS, you tell me if the likes of this film relationship has been seen, in this country, since the days of "Brokeback Mountain"!Oh, I had my doubts, well into this movie......but Matthew Ludwinski held me to it.****
henryshanks I liked the movie for being mostly light-hearted, but still posing some serious issues (coming out, entourage, drugs).The film has its share of gay stereotypes, all in good fun. You have the fag hag, the gossipers at the bar, and the not-so-common hag-of-the-other- fag (more or less) which obviously starts on the wrong foot with the protagonist.Still, the movie is not entirely predictable and the acting, while slightly over the top at times, makes it worthwhile. It's not ground-breaking, yet not cheesy. A really good movie to watch at home on that day when you feel tired and need something to lift up your spirits.