
1995 "The talking pig who made it big!"
3.8| 1h30m| G| en

A talking pig named Gordy becomes involved in a quest to save his family from the slaughterhouse.


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Robson Orr Entertainment


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Also starring Kristy Young


Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Ogosmith Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Brandon Maynard I don't get why so many people do not like this movie. I am 29 years old and just rewatched it last night with a friend for the first time since it came out in 1995 and we both loved it.The story of someone trying to save their family and make friends at the same time is always touching. So what if its a talking pig who befriends two young children and takes the nation by storm after saving one of the kid's lives? I found the ending to be extremely touching when Gordy finds his family and the children's parents get married. Doug Stone was fantastic as the father and I still love his singing to this day.Don't watch this movie expecting Aladdin or Beauty and the Beast. Watch it expecting to be entertained and see a family friendly film and you will enjoy it.
eljaykay1219-310-146082 This movie is cute and funny. Granted it is unrealistic but so what? It is a kids movie that all ages can enjoy.The pig is very cute as are the two kids. It has some very funny scenes with Gordy in costumes. It also has some good old country music. Boxcar Willy, Jim Stafford and Roy Clark and other country stars appear as themselves. It is a feel good movie with a happy ending. If you need profanity, nudity, sex,violence or rude and disrespectful kids in a movie in order to like it then skip Gordy. It has none of that. The only dirt in this movie is actual dirt on the pigs. Gordy is a good movie for those who like clean, lighthearted family entertainment.
dokkelly so,this is a really stupid movie with a stupid plot.i'm not going to waste my time telling you what the plot is.The acting sucks the talking pig effects suck(basically they gave him a bit of chewing gum)and it is just a stupid stupid movie that completely rips off the Bebe story,seriously you'd think it was made by asylum.(oh by the way that girls grin is kinda creepy)but thats not the worst of it.....it got a rap music video!0_0WTF!?aside from that i have nothing else to say but this review has to be at least 10 lines long so i might as while say this.Has anybody seen my keys,i think i left them at school but i cant help feeling that ,oh wait thats 10 lines so anyway the movie's stupid and that's pretty much it
TheLittleSongbird I'll keep this seemingly inevitable comparison brief. Whereas Babe is a sweet, enchanting gem of a family film, Gordy for me isn't in the same league, in fact it is on the opposite end of the spectrum. Other than the bright and breezy country and western soundtrack and the fact that Gordy is somewhat adorable, this is rather charmless family fare. Gordy does look rather cheap, not in the scenery, the scenery is nice, but the flat and rushed camera-work does not do it justice. The story is very predictable and never seems to find a direction, the direction is sloppy, the script is tedious and unfunny and a vast majority of the jokes are corny. Add some horrible acting and every barnyard cliché in the book, do we really need the evil boyfriend idea again, and we have a film of low-quality and very little charm, also even for quite a short movie it drags badly. Kids might like it, but to be honest adults might find it an insult to their intelligence. 2/10 Bethany Cox