
1995 "The talking pig who made it big!"
3.7| 1h30m| G| en

A talking pig named Gordy becomes involved in a quest to save his family from the slaughterhouse.


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Robson Orr Entertainment


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Also starring Kristy Young

Also starring James Donadio


TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
GordyrulesandWaltdrools This is truly an amazing movie. I KNOW so. Why can't they make more movies like this great gem instead of crap like The Oogieloves and The Boxtrolls? How can you people rate this marvelous masterpiece a 3.8 when The Effing Oogieloves got a 7.3? This belongs in the Top 250! It belongs with The Godfather and The Shawshank Redemption in the Top TEN of the Top 250! You 204 people who gave Gordy a 1/10 rating need new lives! I bet it's the same people who love Sanjay and Craig, Marvin Marvin, and Breadwinners! Or even the same people who hate Liv and Maddie! Have you noticed that? This movie is a lot like Liv and Maddie with it's great focus on family and friendship being more important than fame and fortune! And that very focus on family and friendship also makes it a lot like Lady and the Tramp! We need more movies like this! We really do! The closest thing we got to this in a LONG TIME was last year when we got Frozen! You KNOW this movie is great when at least two people I know like it even better than Frozen! It's true. Grandma and dad both thought that! And it's actually three because I have a friend named Aston who liked it more than Frozen AND Babe! Rating this lower than Breadwinners is no better than The Lion King being rating lower than Toddlers and Tiaras. This movie is wonderful and whoever says otherwise is an absolute idiot!
CalvinValjean Gordy is a truly terrible and pathetic movie, and what's unique is that it was released right before Babe. You'd think that would've caused people to confuse the two; yet Babe went on to be a huge hit and get a Best Picture nomination. That really does speak volumes about the quality of Babe.Gordy is just terrible on every level, with a story that is badly put together. Gordy's a talking pig looking for his family. He first gets discovered by a little country girl who sings about "checking on your butt" (yes, it's true).One day they're at some event for a rich family. The rich little boy can't swim, but instead of being scared of the water, as would be normal, he goes right up to the pool and sits on the diving board! And then, as he's getting up, he's actually surprised that he falls in. Turns out the country girl can't swim either. But wouldn't ya know it, the pig can! So Gordy rescues the little rich boy, and now becomes the world's richest pig.Gordy explains that all animals can really talk, but only simple folks can understand them. This includes innocent children and idiot adults, which becomes an ongoing gag (Cousin Jake is a moron and when the pig talks to him, he can understand! Ho ho!) Eventually Bill Clinton calls (the voice of a bad Clinton imitator) and he can understand Gordy also. Ho ho! (I wonder if they'd have done this same gag if Bush had been president at the time, or would it have been too obvious a joke?).Although this is a silly premise, at least it's something to go on, but the movie doesn't know how to create a plot from it, so it goes in various directions. We have clichés like the evil boyfriend who wants to marry the rich boy's mother for her money. We have a plot line where Gordy and the rich boy run away, shaking off the evil boyfriend's goons, but it only lasts 20 minutes. Even this can't be stretched out to 90 minutes, so we have pointless scenes that're dragged out for no real reason, such as the entire "butt-check" song, and a depressing sequence where Gordy's family is put in some cruel cock-fight competition.Gordy's conversations with the rich boy feel very stilted. Of course this is because the kid, not a great actor to begin with, was just talking to a pig on set all day, and the voice for Gordy added later does not seem to actually be talking off of him. The fact that the pig doesn't look like its actually talking does not help.So Gordy is...bad. Compared to Babe, which was delightful and had a serious story, Gordy is excrement which fails as entertainment.
bmhustedonline I gave this movie 3 stars because my (very young) kids seemed to enjoy it, but I really cannot understand how anyone could compare this favorably to Babe the Pig. Babe is a sensitive, entertaining, and even intelligent movie. Gordy is nothing like it. Gordy is cheap, boring, and insulting to anyone with a modicum of intelligence. The acting is poor, the writing predictable, and the hairstyles drove me crazy. It really looked like it was made in 1985 instead of 1995. In contrast, Babe has such a timeless quality about it. My kids don't really like Babe, I assume, because it goes at a slower pace and is not so flashy, but I'm sure that once they are older, they will enjoy it much more than Gordy. Gordy just has no substance. If you are looking for something that you can enjoy with your children, this is not it!
bobbymeizer While visiting family with my four year old daughter we found a video of "Gordy" and put it on for her. She loves movies, but after about a half-hour she turned to me and said "I don't like this pig movie". She loves "Babe". It's nice to know she has some taste. The only thing remotely good about this film is Kristy Young, the little girl C&W singer, and the trained piglet seemed like a pretty good swimmer. In the half-hour we watched, the animals never looked like they were talking, the plot was completely uninvolving, and the acting was mediocre at best. One nice thing was finding out the reason that Tom Lester (Eb from "Green Acres") never got anywhere with his career. He's a one-note performer. At least Eb had some decent writers. Now my daughter is happily watching "The Aristocats".