Excellent, a Must See
if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Nathan Straus
This documentary was one where the curtain was (literally) pulled back to expose the dark underbelly of Islam. There can be no denying the alphabet soup of Muslim Brotherhood backed organizations are in lock step to paint a rosy picture about the peace loving Muslims and gain acceptance or acquiescence to the views and shaping of the culture of America. When the opportunity presents itself, they move in and take power, shutting the door and locking in Sharia Law. I found it interesting that recent events have started to show that Americans of all political stripes are wising up to the pathetic rantings of the Muslim Leaders. They are constantly trying to blame Israel and the US for their failings around the world and refusing to condemn outrageous acts that any sane person would. The UK is further ahead than we are, so watching them is a way to predict the future happenings for the US.
Amir Mertaban
This film is a disappointment. It's presented as a true story documentary of sorts but the plot is completely made up. I don't know if this is another episode of the hit TV show 24 or if this is just another attempt to create fear and hatred towards a particular group. None of the "facts" are accompanied by any real or anecdotal evidence, the "experts" that are interviewed aren't even taken seriously by the State Department or any other governmental organization for that matter. Apparently, I'm in the movie and I wasn't even contacted to comment or give another perspective or to even defend my views. This is an embarrassment and a waste of time. If I were you and had some time to watch a film, I would rent that horrifying Jennifer Lopez flick, Gigli, over this any day of the week.