Grand Masti

2013 "The Masti Boys are Back"
4.5| 2h17m| en

Meet, Prem, and Amar look to have a blast at their college reunion, though they soon find themselves in another predicament.


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Executscan Expected more
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Stephanie There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
jd-41689 The greatest adult comedy movie ever.All the three heroes(Aftab,Ritesh and Vivek)are outstanding in comedy.Pradeep rawat and Suresh menon are too funny.Even some animals like a cat and a crow add to the laugh riot.This film makes you laugh out loud from start till end.All the scenes and jokes are simply hilarious.Even the songs are good and are energetic!Cinematography is nice.Director Indra Kumar has distinguished himself by making Grand Masti.It is guaranteed that your stomach will pain due to excessive laughing.But it is not a family movie so watch it only if you love rib-tickling comedies with limit-crossing jokes.HAVE MASTI IN A GRAND WAY!
MubukuGrappa This movie has a song that talks about people landing on the Moon; thus popularizing science/technology.I watched first 30 minutes or so; each scene is copied/stolen from Benny Hill's comedy show.If you love big boobs, and a lot of them, this is your movie.This movie has a song that talks about people landing on the Moon; thus popularizing science/technology.I watched first 30 minutes or so; each scene is copied/stolen from Benny Hill's comedy show.If you love big boobs, and a lot of them, this is your movie.This movie has a song that talks about people landing on the Moon; thus popularizing science/technology.I watched first 30 minutes or so; each scene is copied/stolen from Benny Hill's comedy show.If you love big boobs, and a lot of them, this is your movie.
Arnav Goswami watched GRAND MASTI ...its more like grand bullsh!t + grand copycat ...No sane person can spend his money n time on making sh!t like this..ergo all of its makers must have went full retards....the film is full of copied scene from the movies of both Hollywood & Bollywood(yes even Bolly) such as AUSTIN POWERS, SCARY MOVIE, AGNEEPATH, American PIE etc-etc ..also its a cocktail of third rated antique jokes(often found in newspapers) & even worse acting by its so called "lead" they really think audience will fall for such idiocy? we also had our share of skin show in "Indian limits" ....makers all over the world please listen if want to see sex/skin/salacious stuff we'll better watching porn.... & if you still wana make stuff like this then least Be Original...its a bad bad bad movie for all age DO NOT WATCH THIS CRAP & save two hours of your life
ronnieaka I would have given -10 out of 10, but unfortunately IMDb doesn't allow that. I had the expectations of it being a hugely awesome party themed funny movie, like most Hollywood movies of that genre are, seeing as the cast was strong - all the original dudes from Masti the original movie. But no, it terribly failed my expectations.Here's the thing, the movie is a collection of vulgar double meaning jokes with sexual innuendos in very,very bad taste. You know it - all those messages that you probably might have gotten from your friend on WhatsApp, those cheap sexual jokes that keep getting forwarded around. Not that most of those messages aren't funny, but the way they're portrayed into scenes here - seems like as if a bunch of perverted noobs shot them.Sex appeal - the makers of this film probably made this movie keeping in mind the wallets of the crowd which consists of men who drop money at the name of sex. So they made a film like this, and I'm going to say it - this movie, tried to be a porn movie with only the foreplay, but no porn. The jokes sucked, the acting sucked, the script (if it in fact existed) sucked.Actually, what I feel about the script is, that some half-retarded sex depraved man wrote it. Absolutely no sensible intelligent plot, totally bad script and super clichéd dialogues, nothing original at all. Masti? NO masti at all. Masti the original movie was way way hilarious and actually had a good plot. Laughs? You'll be crying by the end as to why you even took the risk of seeing something like this. Hell, the only ONE thing that made me laugh was the fountain part in the starting. Except that, the whole movie is absolute rubbish. Now, the reason this movie is bad is because this movie was supposed to be a money maker, not a crowd puller, one which appeals to people's senses, like Bhag Milkha Bhag or Barfi. Oh my my.. This crap movie is parsecs away from them in terms of enjoyment,satisfaction, and get-your-money's- worth value.In conclusion, if you're an avid movie watcher, love movies, and love intelligent movies, or love movies with party and sex themes, you'll find this movie HUGELY disappointing. Just, please don't watch it. You'll waste 2 hours of life, and it was total torture to sit throughout the 2 hours. The only reason I sat the whole 2 hours were because my friends somehow liked this cheap lazy senseless boring outright dimwitted movie.So, my advice - forget that this movie was ever made. Just don't waste your time on it, if you're thinking of renting it on DVD or catch it on cable when it comes out in the next few months. Just, DON'T.