Grey Skies

2010 "Don't look up"
3.4| 0h30m| en

A group of old college friends reunite to relive their glory days by renting a beautiful cabin in the woods. As the sun sets on their first day in the cabin, bright flashes of light announce the arrival of mysterious creatures. These friends will have to outwit a force that is both inhuman and extremely intelligent in order to survive. The outcome will shock and amaze you as we come to realize... we are not alone in the universe.


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Also starring Marie Del Marco

Also starring Stacy Jorgensen


Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Leofwine_draca GREY SKIES was an unwise attempt at a science fiction thriller made by a group of amateur film-makers in Michigan. They shouldn't have bothered, because this alien abduction story is excruciatingly bad, and quite embarrassing to sit through.The story is about a group of dull characters who hole up at a remote house in the woods and soon find themselves assailed by weird stuff going on. We're stuck with an hour of bad actors wandering around in the woods and occasionally screaming before the plot hits properly, but the budget is so limited that there are very few special effects and just lots of bright lights.The acting is truly of a terrible standard and the plot events that play out are completely routine. In fact, there's nothing here at all to keep an audience engaged, so I can only recommend that viewers avoid it like the plague.
suite92 Old friends get together for a weekend in the woods. Sandy and Hayden hit it off immediately, sharing sex and drugs. Michael brought his photographer friend Brian. Robert and Jenny are together, but are bickering. Annie and Glen seem to be unattached. They look at the stars which are very clear out in the middle of nowhere. There are also shooting stars. One lands relatively nearby. Some of them are high, and decide to go find it.Hayden does not come back, so they go looking for him. They find him, a bit worse for the wear. Thing move back toward normal, somewhat, except for Jenny's telling Robert that she is pregnant. Shelly disappears about the same time that the lights go out. The search is on. They find her, and she's a bit garbled in her responses. They decide to leave, but none of their four vehicles will start.Then the elimination derby is on. One after another the aliens take over the minds and wills of the people in the party.Will anyone survive the onslaught? ------Scores-------Cinematography: 7/10 Well done for a low budget film.Sound: 8/10 Not too bad.Acting: 0/10 Michael Cornacchia and Anne Griffin were absolutely terrible. Stacy Jorgensen was also rather bad. The others were unconvincing.Screenplay: 2/10 There are lots of inconsistencies about what the aliens can do. There was a large percentage of the film that was just plain boring. The pointless yelling sequences were very irritating.SFX: 2/10 Amateurish; special effects were laughably bad.
sha-812-357530 Occasionally B graders surprise me and deliver a good flick in spite of a low budget and lesser known stars but not in this case. This movie blows and it blows hard. The plot is thin at the very best, the characters are weak and not likable. The special effects reflect the low budget and the repeated use of an annoying bug sound took away any real credibility to induce suspense the sound may have had. This one was a total waste of 90 min I'm never getting back... The idea behind the movie was alright but the execution was lacking and the story really needed to be fleshed out more and the relationship between the 2 leads was lacklustre and the (on going) fight/relationship issues between the pair were really not necessary to the story. More game play with shadows and music and a much stronger cast could have gone a long way here.
Tim Moore This movie starts out like its leading to something, so I suffered through the first part. Then the second part starts and I was still suffering. This is just bad. Non scary aliens, the fact that everyone could've held off the aliens with knives, rocks, papercuts... No one notices the strange behavior of their friends after they disappear and reappear. As another reviewer says, alien zombies that apparently can impregnate a woman(don't get it)who then says they won't take her after she drops her knife and is being held by an alien zombie. Yeah, she showed them! Horrible in almost everyway. I hope I've saved viewers and some lives by steering you clear of this nonsense.