Grim Reaper

2007 "Death Always Has The Last Word"
2.5| 1h22m| en

The stripper Rachel is hit by a cab but survives in the emergency room of a hospital. However, she sees Death chasing her, but she does not succeed in convincing the nurses. She is drugged and wakes up in St. Joseph, a mental hospital administrated by Dr. Brown. She finds five other inmates that had a near death experience and also claim that Death is coming for them.


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GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Bardlerx Strictly average movie
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
D-Sligar Man, I am fed up with the rash of garbage we've been subjected to this year. I knew this movie had the whole Final Destination premise going, but I was hoping for a twist or something. What I got was another director trying to fill in for a bad script with a hot bod. Sorry guys, but that doesn't cut it anymore.Cheesy acting, sound that seemed to be piped to us through a can, and a story so thread-bear that it was difficult to watch even a short part of the film. Don't waste your money, check the reviews and rating before watching this film (there's a reason it went straight-to-video). Oh yeah, most SciFi originals are leagues above this film, so take that as your measurement stick.
Bryan_Clark This movie was in no way shape or form anywhere near as bad as described by 99.9% of reviewers on IMDb. Now is this movie great? No. Is there better? Well, yeah, much better. But (now this is the true question) is this (or among) the worst? After finally watching this movie last night on a pay channel for $3.99 I can honestly answer no. It's not the worst. Maybe nearing the area of the worst but for the most part it was a fairly entertaining, kinda psychological, horror/thriller. The added plot twist is rather obvious IF you're looking for it. I was just obliviously watching it not looking for it so when it came I was kinda surprised. Then kicked myself for not realizing it anyway but you can't have everything. The setting is perfect, what kind of movie that takes place completely in a mental hospital not at least somewhat good? Now throw in the Grim Reaper stalking a bunch of kids throughout the facility and you've got an added 30% of excitement. Could the Grim Reaper (the actual character) have been better? No because it was thee Grim Reaper. Cloak, hood, the whole 9 yards. Could the movie have been better? Yeah, they could have had the title character in it much more. He had very little screen time, although the time he had was pretty interesting. Never really boring or slow. Just the anticipation of seeing the Grim Reaper might make this film seem a little slower than what it is. A very deserved and earned 7 outta 10.
Billybob-Shatner I took this film out because I've been writing a script that happens to deal with the Grim Reaper (in a sense at least) and I wanted to make sure I wasn't ripping anybody off. Plus I like to check out other low budget indie horrors.In general, I think the flack it's getting is a bit extreme. It's obviously a low budget movie and by no means a terrible one.PROS: Great editing/pacing (the film moves very well and has a terrific energy to it)Good lighting - sets the mood quite wellGood technical direction - camera movies effectively, some scenes are staged quite wellGood sound design - very creepy and ominousCONS: Mixed acting - at times its all right, at other times, its unacceptably, um, bad.Plot - it's too familiar and too silly for its own good. And the twist with the doctor, is so ridiculous, it has to be seen to be believed. Characters - just not unique or fleshed out enough to be satisfying. Overall, a reasonable B horror movie. 4.5/10
Darius Forte' Now I'm gonna keep this short and straight to the point this movie sucked and was very lo budget usually some low budget films are decent but this one just didn't do it for me I mean especially how the monster died yuck! Made me mad to I'm just glad somebody else spent there money except me.Between the terrible acting and the flashbacks i didn't know what was going on or how this people thought this was a good script when i saw the picture on the cover i thought well it looks decent so I'll guess I'll watch it but then 10 minutes into it it seemed like they spent more money on the on the cover then the actual movie now I'm not saying that it was th worse movie i ever seen but it damn sure was close to it.