
2000 "Are you feeling it?"
6.6| 1h26m| R| en

An inside look into one night in the San Francisco underground rave scene.


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Also starring Denny Kirkwood


Skunkyrate Gripping story with well-crafted characters
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
andrew_wilbur Unlikable wooden characters deliver poorly scripted lines at an unrealistic warehouse party. Hilarity ensues. Yes, Harrison may have tried to encapsulate the rave scene in meticulous detail, but anyone who thinks he's actually succeeded in this is overlooking the most glaringly obvious element of fantasy in the whole film: John "£3,000 per hour" Digweed playing at an illegal warehouse party for free? What a joke. Speaking of Mr. Digweed, did anyone else notice how uncomfortable he looked throughout the film, and how he couldn't keep a straight face when delivering his first cringeworthy line? Also uproarious - The pseudo-scientific 'jargon' released by the token 'smart guy' through which we are meant to be impressed with Harrison's erudition, and the painful 'literary' conversation that they have in the Chill Room, which amounts to nothing more than flagrant name dropping without a trace of substance to make it credible. Has Harrison even read Kerouac, Burroughs and Hemingway? Probably not, if Groove is a product of his love affair with the printed word.You can imagine someone - even yourself, probably - being bludgeoned by narcotic stupidity and thinking it would be an awesome idea to make a movie in which each plot segment was defined by a different DJ set. But then the drugs would wear off and you'd feel embarrassed for conceiving an idea so excruciatingly prone to cliché. You wouldn't actually turn it into a film. But someone did.You've got to see this. It is tremendously entertaining, but not in the way intended by the screenwriter/director. It's a veritable masterclass on transforming bad ideas into an embarrassingly dire product.
jrsjr57 Greg Harrison apparently thought he was making a pseudo-documentary of the San Francisco rave scene. According to all the dismissive reviews from die-hard ravers, Harrison has failed in this aspiration. In failing though, Harrison has succeeded in creating a small movie which works on many levels. Groove has humor. It has moments of dramatic tension. It shows drug abuse for what it is without being preachy or judgmental. The music is awesome. The cinematography alone is worth your time. And then, just when you have enough elements to make up an okay niche movie about the rave scene, Groove adds "The Nod," a mini concept piece which transcends the genre and adds a second climax, an intellectual one, after the first musical/spiritual/dramatic climax. Groove is filled with the kind of self-revelatory scenes which give the viewer a sense of truth and the truth always hurts.
uberpop i had really looked forward to seeing this movie. it featured a cast that was [for the most part] from my neighborhood and it was set in my town.unfortunately, i hadn't made it out in time to see it in the theater. still, everybody seemed to rave about it so i kept it on my 'to see' list. what a waste of time. it was such a waste that it made me angry i'd dedicated an evening to watching it. groove is bad, but not in a funny way. not funny at all. it seemed really outdated for the time it was made -- more like a poor representation of 1991 ravers or a 40 y.o.'s impression of a warehouse party constructed from vague details provided by a 13y.o.. the pacing was erratic, the dialog was poorly written and i couldn't have cared less about the was painful. it was embarrassing. it was painfully embarrassing. one comment from a friend sums it up: "it was made by 415 productions for chrissake, what do you expect?" touché.
Andrew I used to be into the rave scene myself, so i'm pretty familiar with the subject, and i thought the movie was pretty entertainiing. If you're a trance addict, or used to be, this'll give you a little flashback to the times you experienced in the club, those moments when the DJ puts on a track that just gets the place jumping and blows your mind. The dancefloor shots were done pretty well(although i could've done without the little slo-mo during Digweed's set), and the soundtrack is great, very well selected. If you dont know much about the trance scene, this is a nice intro to what being at a rave is like, but dont take it as a guide, because the actual rave/candykid/PLUR scene is dying out and shifting to the more commercial setting. The music is still around, and still great, but it is no longer as underground as it used to be even 4-5 years ago. Anyway, nice little movie,despite some plotholes and some little things that could have been done a bit better, it keeps your attention, and not a waste of time. Digweed just rocks the house during his set, especially with Heaven Scent.