Gulliver Mickey

7| 0h8m| en

Mickey is first seen reading Gulliver's Travels while the mice orphan children are pretending to be sailors. After ruining their game Mickey tries to make it up to them by retelling the Liliput sequences of Gulliver's Travels pretending it was a real event that happened to him by portraying the role of Gulliver. The story ends with Mickey saving the town from a giant spider (Pete). However after telling the story, one of the children dangles a fake spider attached to a fishing rod which scares Mickey out of his witts.


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Walt Disney Productions


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Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Horst in Translation ( "Gulliver Mickey" is a 1934 black-and-white short film by Walt Disney. The world's most famous mouse was already 5 years old back then and almost as big of a star as he is over 80 years later. The title already tells that this is a parody of the famous Jonathan Swift tale. And this is also why I found the story fairly interesting with Mickey being in the country of small people. Unfortunately the humor was not on par this time. It's basically 9 minutes of jokes on how Mickey is so much taller than everybody else and how he constantly has cannonballs fired at him, which are the size of peas. In the end another giant, actually a spider, shows up and he looks exactly like Mickey's usual antagonist in these short films. The two fight and then the action switches back to the orphanage where Mickey tells the story of Gulliver Mickey as we also see already at the beginning of this film. In my opinion, one of the weaker early Mickey Mouse sad films as the comedy just did not really click with me in this one. Not recommended.
Robert Reynolds This is a black and white Mickey Mouse cartoon produced by Disney studio. There will be spoilers ahead:Once again, Mickey inserts himself into a fictional tale in order to entertain orphan mice, as in Giantland. This one works quite a bit better than Giantland was, mostly because the plot makes sense.There are, as is typical for a Disney short, some very nice visuals and some funny gags. Mickey winds up falling asleep, only to wake up tied down and with tiny people climbing around on him. He easily frees himself and has no problems defending himself against attacks which, to him, are more playing than fighting, though the smaller people view it differently.There's a great sequence in the water with sailing ships firing on Mickey and Mickey still playing. Various other things happen until a spider bearing a resemblance to Pegleg Pete shows up. The spider is a threat to the tiny village and Mickey starts fighting the spider. They go a few rounds until a dissolve into Mickey punching a pillow in front of the orphans. The ending is cute, so I won't spoil it here.This short is available on the Disney Treasures Mickey Mouse in Black and White, Volume One and both the short and the set are well worth finding. Most recommended.
TheLittleSongbird Disney was always a big part of my childhood, and a vast majority of those that I loved then have held up now. Gulliver Mickey is no exception. The story may not hold that many surprises, however I loved the set-up with the idea to have Mickey narrating the story to give it a story-book feel and the ending was nice. The gags are not exactly laugh-a-minute or hilarious, but they are still very cute and amusing, the most inspired one being with day literally breaking. The animation is absolutely great, and the music is typically characterful and energetic. Mickey has been more interesting before, always have loved his heroic side, but I love his compassion here. The mice are sweet and even the orphans, who I can find brats in other cartoons they are in, have some likability. And I did like that the spider looked very like Pegleg Pete, with the face that is.Overall, not among the best Disney shorts but still a very good one. 9/10 Bethany Cox
MartinHafer Mickey is at home reading Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels" when the 11 mice children he's watching start making a ruckus. To keep them quiet, he tells them a story based on the Lilliputian portion of the book (the book, by the way, has to do with several lands--not just the one in which Gulliver is a giant). In this case, he tells a pretty tall tale--telling them that the story was true and happened to him. He then tells about being shipwrecked in a strange land where he was a giant and the little people all attacked him--assuming he was coming to hurt them. However, a giant spider then attacks and it's Mickey to the rescue--beating up the spider and saving everyone. Obviously one of the little mice doesn't believe all this and plays a cute joke on Mickey--and Mickey, good naturedly, laughs along with everyone.Overall, this is a very good cartoon in every way. The animation (as always with a Disney cartoon) is great but the story is also a lot of fun. And, the ending really worked to tie it all together. Lots of fun and a cartoon I heartily recommend.By the way, the same style of story is told in "Giantland"--another film where Mickey is caring for this huge brood of mice. This time, however, he retells Jack and the Beanstalk--with him, naturally, in the role of Jack.