
6| 4h27m| en

Follows a gun and the different hands it falls into and the different characters that use it.


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Interesteg What makes it different from others?
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
JACK SOUTH (JSouth1) I vaguely recall this series, and when it came out....I was interested to see if it would be like a movie I had seen many years before, with nearly the same title. At the time--I only had my distant memories of the movie, as NO ONE else seemed to even know of it's existence. But I recalled that the movie, called "the gun", was about a handgun, and it followed the gun from it's manufacture, sale and then through the various hands it passed, and what then transpired . I recalled that the gun was used in a robbery, for a protection device, and that near the end, it ended up being fed into a shredder with many other guns and such....but THIS gun survived. It would not be for several years later that I would actually SEE this movie, somehow finding a copy on Ebay some years ago--to find that my nearly 20 year old memories of the movie were pretty much right on--other than having forgot a couple of things....including the ending, where the scrap worker finds that gun intact, in the shredded materials, takes it home to use for protection--where it gets found by his young child, who thinks it is a toy.....Well...when I watched the series called "gun" in 1997, it WAS a lot like that movie--but not NEARLY as good. I saw a few episodes--and lost interest. There was just too much "cheese" in the show, such as the guy who thought he was the "man with no name" after watching Clint Eastwood movies. And I recall a guy, maybe Daniel Stern getting "tempted" by Kathy Ireland or such--to cheat on his wife, IIRC.All in all--a forgettable series. Find a copy of the 1974 movie with nearly the same name--SOMEHOW--and you will like it a LOT better!!
Michael Lilly I found the anthology rather interesting. I noticed on the cast listing for Ricohet, Episode 5 on the Tango Entertainment, Inc. release there was a query whether Kris Park aka Christopher Elsewhere was in any episode. He looked to me that he might be one of two people. He is either the one who steals the gun or is the one running from the place where Super Lotto tickets are sold and a having a gun fly from his hand as he is shot. I did notice the same handgun in two places. In the person's waistband before his partner that is driving the car backs away from the store on noticing the detectives and later when the gent runs out of the store. Are they the same person?
khideky The show was exceptional, with unpredictable endings and a different story each time. I wish they would combine all the episodes into a movie. I don't know whether this show was the inspiration for a similar series taking place in the old west called 'Dead Man's Gun'. Again, the only thing that remained stable was the cursed weapon.
crust-2 It's a shame that Gun went off the air after only half a season on ABC. Every episode had different stars every week, since the only recurring character (object) was a nickel-plated pistol that changed hands every episode. Actually, I only remember watching three or so of the episodes, but the show starring Daniel Stern is one of my favorite TV episodes ever. Even though that episode was lightly based on a popular short story (I won't say which), there is no way that you'll ever see the ending coming. Gun was never really given a fair shot at being a series since it debuted mid-season and never gained much momentum (much like a great show I remember from roughly the same time on CBS titled Easy Streets). U2 performs the title song.

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