Guns, Girls and Gambling

5.5| 1h29m| R| en

The story throws Elvis impersonators, Indians, modern cowboys, a 6-foot-tall blond assassin, a frat boy, a corrupt sheriff and a prostitute into a chase for a priceless American Indian artifact stolen during a poker game at an Indian casino


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Infamousta brilliant actors, brilliant editing
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
NateWatchesCoolMovies Guns, Girls And Gambling is an absolute doozy of a film. The term 'so bad it's good' was invented for slapdash mockeries such as this, and with every stylistic cliché and ridiculous tactic, it owns the moniker vigorously. The filmmakers are obvious disciples of the neo noir crime thriller, as we see countless hard boiled walking stereotypes prance across the screen. Whenever a character shows up, a garish font announces them in writing below, which is crime genre 101. This happens so many goddamn times though, that eventually I felt like I was watching Mel Brooks's attempt at a heist flick. It's silly beyond words, derivative enough to give you the onset of dementia and admirably dumb. But... I still had fun, at least in parts of it. It concerns the theft of a priceless Native American artifact from a tribal casino. The perpetrators? A gang of Elvis impersonators with, let's say, interesting characteristics. There's gay Elvis (Chris Kattan), midget Elvis (Tony Cox), Asian Elvis (Anthony Wong) and Gary Oldman Elvis, played by Gary Oldman who looks like he was dared into taking the role at a frat party. The bumbling Elvises break ranks post heist and the plot thickens, or should I say befuddles, with the arrival of every kooky, sassy assassin and archetype under the sun. Now from what I could make out: Christian Slater plays a dude called John Smith, a 'wrong place at the wrong time' type of guy who is swept up into the intrigue and is in way over head. He's pursued by all kinds of unsavory people, and joined by the girl next door (Heather Roop). There's The Cowboy (a salty Jeff Fahey), a gunslinging hit-man who claims to never miss but literally misses upon firing the first bullet. The Indian (Matthew Willig) is a hulking tomahawk sporting badass. The Chief (Gordon Tootoosis) is the casino owner, muscling in on everyone to get back his artifact. The Sheriff (Dane Cook) is a corrupt lawman out for anything worth a buck. Best of the bunch is a snarling Powers Boothe as The Rancher, a good ol' southern gangster who languishes in a white limo longer than the cast list of this movie, chewing scenery as vigorously as his cigar. There's also a sexy blonde assassin called The Blonde (Helena Mattson) who wanders around quoting Poe right before she blasts people's heads off. Its inane, mind numbing eye candy, with a cast that seems to have been blackmailed into participation. There's even a last minute twist ending that seems to have wandered in from a much more serious film. It's quite literally one of the most stupefyingly odd flicks I've ever seen. It's earnestness in aping countless Pulp Fiction style films before it is beyond amusing, and the only thing that will make you laugh harder is how spectacularly and epically it flounders. It's truly B movie gold, and one that demands a watch simply because it's a sideshow unto itself.
carbuff Why am I rating this movie so highly when if you paid to see it at a movie theater you might be lukewarm about it? Because it's a perfect late night snack. It's spunky, clever, witty, and odd with decent production values. Quite a few people meet untimely ends in this movie, but it isn't really gory, and maintains a light mood throughout. You have to watch it to the bitter end for all of the twists. Some reviewers have complained about "The Blond", but whatever she lacked in acting ability, her other rather obvious "assets" more than compensated (I'm sure you get my drift). In any event, I personally thought she fit the role she was supposed to play really well--she might not be cut out for "Sophie's Choice", but, on the other hand, Meryl Streep would have been a big mistake here likewise. Really, this is just fun, happy-go-lucky, late-night entertainment, so just make some popcorn, grab a coke, lighten up, and enjoy the ride. I did.
threedlive Wrote a review on another site, More in reply to this supposed professional critic/reviewer that completely panned the movie. He claimed the comedy was too predictable, why would Gary Oldman do the movie--I think he would've done it for what I think is his best line--watch it and don't miss it--since telling Clarence "Must not be white-boy day" in True Romance. The comedy was predictable on purpose and by design, I believe. Nothing deep,but funny and quite tongue in cheek.Helena Mattson,s character is worth the price of admission!Christian slater is doing an Elvis impersonation again a la 3000 Miles from Graceland. and is working with Oldman again and The big red Caddy convertible is back as the classiest Elvis impersonator get-away car ever. And after True Romance came to mind, I do believe it just might be that same classy Caddy that Bama & Clarence and all that Mafia coke, head west in to seek their fame and fortune. I love when they kinda tie movies in like that!!I watched GGG three times the 1st setting. don't miss it.
travis12-611-474521 The title, which sounds like a prop list, should have clued me in that this effort would be about as original and inspired as butter on toast -- an infinitely shallow and stupid Tarantino pastiche cobbling together every trite and overdone Hollywood cliché of the last 20 years. I ejected it after about 30 minutes.The opening sequence is enough to tell you how bad this will get -- an Elvis impersonator (God, not again!) sitting at an isolated bus stop in... the American southwest (Gary Oldman). From out of nowhere, a hot babe assassin (not Uma Thurman this time) in stiletto heels appears miraculously, swaggers onto the bus and blasts away at Oldman with her stylish Gucci pistols. You can hear the director almost screaming, "Hey, I'm another Tarantino! Give me a chance!" Only he's not. The cast quickly overpopulates with a mind-numbing parade of cardboard cutouts, introduced with freeze frames and jittering titles: "The Girl Next Door." "Asian Elvis." "Midget Elvis." "The Cowboy." The usual spectacle of tired violence and mayhem ensues.This kind of cool campy violence has come under a lot of critcism after all the mass shootings recently. Cheap thrills, and morally obtuse, making this effort bad on another level.If Saturday Night Live had produced a satirical skit on how to produce a paint-by-number Hollywood film to entertain jaded morons, they couldn't have done a better job. than this turkey.