H6: Diary of a Serial Killer

2007 "Come in, don't be afraid..."
4.6| 1h32m| en

H6 tells the story of Antonio Frau, a serial killer set free after serving 25 years in jail for the violent murder of his girlfriend. After inheriting and old motel from a relative he never knew, he sees this as a signal and takes to his holy task of relieving the grief of those who have lost the will to live. He takes his victims to room Number 6 in the motel where he 'purifies' them, while, at the same time, continues his everyday life next to his wife. A mistake leads to his arrest, and his plan to become rich and famous takes relevance.


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Also starring Fernando Acaso

Also starring María José Bausá

Also starring Raquel Arenas


Lawbolisted Powerful
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Leofwine_draca Low budget serial killer films repulse me, I can't deny it. When I watch films like this, or THE LAST HORROR MOVIE, I can't help but be offended by the constant degradation of women. The director asks you to wallow in filth and depravity and what do you get out of it? A film like H6: DIARY OF A SERIAL KILLER is hardly disturbing, it's just cheap and sleazy, and rather pointless at the end of the day.Comparisons have been made between this and HOSTEL, but H6 has nothing of the suspenseful storyline of that film. It's been described as the Spanish answer to American PSYCHO, but it misses that film's black comedy and assured performances. There are superficial similarities to HENRY: PORTAIT OF A SERIAL KILLER, but that was a masterpiece of quiet realism and mind-numbing brutality by comparison. What we get instead is a grotty, no budget production in which half the running time consists of an ugly middle-aged guy raping and murdering women in his basement.Yes, that's all the story this film has. Sure, the filmmakers attempt something more by including a friendly voice-over narrative and a seemingly disconnected ending, but it really is trash. The performances are bad, with the protagonist underacting to the point of being non-existent, while the women are just forced to strip down and scream a lot. H6 is a graphic, brutal horror flick, but other than repulse it does nothing for the viewer. I hated it. If you want to see a decent Spanish killer film check out something like SLEEP TIGHT which is masterful by comparison.
BA_Harrison "The Spanish answer to Hostel" boasts the sleeve of the DVD for H6. But whilst it's true that this film's relentless scenes of torture and violence might possibly appeal to the audiences of such modern horror, I suspect that fans of that particular franchise could feel cheated by the description used on the packaging. This isn't mainstream splatter for indiscriminate teens; it's a study of a psychotic serial killer that bears far more resemblance to a handful of other, perhaps lesser-known horror films than to the work of Eli Roth.Sure, certain aspects of director Martín Garrido Barón's brutal chiller can be compared to The Silence of the Lambs and the Saw films, but other parts are more reminiscent of Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, American Psycho, The Last Horror Movie, nasty low-budget crap-fest Scrapbook, and even recent French shocker Martyrs. One thing is certain though: there's not a single sadistic East European in sight.Instead, there's a deranged Spaniard, with a plastic sheet covered room and a shiny new chainsaw ready for action.Said sicko is Antonio Frau (Fernando Acaso), who has recently been released from prison after serving 15 years for killing his girlfriend. Almost immediately after gaining his freedom, Antonio finds himself a wife (buxom nurse Rosa, who is desperate to escape life at her parents' home), inherits a rundown guest-house in a sleazy part of town, and begins writing a diary in which he catalogues every detail of his new hobby: killing drifters, prostitutes, pimps and junkies!While his wife is at work (she does the night-shift at a hospital, where she carries on her affair with a married doctor), Antonio is busy luring drug-addled hookers and other losers into his home, killing the men and taking the women to Room 6, where he 'purifies' them through repeated rape (amusingly 'working around' their knickers), torture, and finally, dismemberment. Meanwhile, the police inspector who previously arrested Antonio is hot on the case, and soon suspects that his old acquaintance is responsible for the area's lack of hookers.Very grim and brutal in tone, but surprisingly light on the explicit violence (plenty of blood, but not much graphic gore—not that it needs it to offend), H6 is definitely not a film for all the family (unless that family sits in armchairs made from human remains). The awful treatment to which Antonio subjects his victims is extremely harrowing, and is recommended viewing only for hardened horror fans who are numb to the sight of petrified young women pleading for their lives before being sawn into tiny pieces (some of which get served up as dinner for Rosa).The only thing that prevents H6 from being one of the best 'extreme' horrors to come out of Europe in recent years is the weak ending, which attempts to convince viewers that Antonio is a genius of Hannibal Lector proportions who has concocted a clever ruse to ensure that he receives a lighter than expected sentence. I can't help but feel that the film deserved a much more nihilistic denouement worthy of all that had gone before.7.5 out of 10, rounded up to 8 for IMDb.
CelluloidRehab Sometimes we think, due to our limited circumstances, that as a species we have evolved to a level beyond the animal. That we are somehow more developed and more advanced. How much "evolutionary difference" is there between defecating in the fields and creating a special "place", with water, where one goes to defecate? Also think about how sometimes it is of a communal nature (sometimes even doing it side-by-side, separated just a couple of feet apart from each other by incomplete walls). The most prude of us, the English, even went as so far as to disguise it with language,as if perfuming the air. They called it a water closet. George Carlin would have something funny to say about that subject right about now. I'm definitely no George Carlin, but I can press play. If you are ready to deal with the baseness of the human species, then this movie might be right for you.The movie starts brutally in a darkened stairwell, where we witness a most violent break up. Antonio Frau, in the most extreme act of machismo, strangles his girl friend/ wife. This movie tries very hard to make you feel extremely uncomfortable with what is happening on the the screen. It would easily qualify as grind house, except that it is way too dark, stylized and imposes too much seriousness to be campy. It resembles more of a "From Hell" in the type of a demi-hero, demi-villainous character it employs. Antonio Frau (Fernando Acaso), after being released from prison years later, inherits an abandoned ex-whore house from his aunt. This becomes the scene of the fun house experience at Freddy Kruger's house. Fernando Acaso does an amazing job of creating a Jeffery Dahmer like demeanor. It is cold on the outside, yet charming somehow. Throughout, however, is this creepy feeling like you are being surgically sliced into bits (in his mind). The storyline follows a modern piece of historically inspired fiction. Historically speaking, Henri Landru was a French serial killer that preyed mostly on widows, during World War I in Paris (10/11 of his victims were women). Henri kept a detailed log of all the women and all of the aliases he used on each. At one point a relative of one of his victims shows up looking for them. This stirs up the police, which leads to Landru and his journal (which was used as evidence to convict him). Landru eventually is guillotined a few years later. Antonio Frau actual speaks about Landru in the movie. He is considered a flawed inspiration. Henri was in it for the money, however, Antonio has another agenda as well (a Saw-like agenda). There is such a duplicity to the character of Antonio Frau. Some of the really graphic scenes had very little actual gore, but actually maintained a somber and terrifying style which helped it from falling back into grind.The style is eerily single X snuff-like. There is some guilt in watching, yet it feeds the voyeuristic and bass tendencies in humankind to continue to not look away. It is hard to recommend this movie to anyone, considering the nature of the violence. This is why I gave it a 5/10. Depending on the type of person watching this movie, I can easily see it going either way. Much like someone once said of Kronos; You either find it interesting or strongly, wrenchingly dislike it. There is no love.
rothsindel This self proclaimed "very talented artist" have directed easily the worst Spanish film of the 21st century. Lack of emotion, coherence, rhythm, skills, humor... it repeats the same situation over and over again. It shows no character development. It does not even show any violent and/or sexual content, and it does not add anything new to the psycho-killer sub genre. So lame it should be shown at film schools as an example of "what not to do" in a first movie.BTW where the hell is the "talent"? there are scenes which have been shot almost identically; there are scenes which have two or more master shots and it is quite awful to see the action jumping from one master shot to another without a reason. The camera almost never moves, as if the "very talented artist" was afraid of showing his lack of visual skills. The actors playing the main roles act like amateurs, and the supporting cast is hardly believable. There are more holes than plot in the script (if ever there was one)...A really disheartening movie, and a whatsoever talented director.

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