Handsome Harry

2009 "Can we ever change the past?"
6.1| 1h34m| R| en

An ex-Navy man carrying out the last wish of a dying shipmate renews contact with old friends to break the code of silence around a mysterious, long-buried crime.


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SpecialsTarget Disturbing yet enthralling
Konterr Brilliant and touching
HeadlinesExotic Boring
Ortiz Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
hughman55 You know, if you don't have a good script you don't have a chance of ending up with a good movie. The exposition in this film is way long and is filled with flat dialog and cardboard characters. The "plot twist", which did surprise me, was unfulfilling because there is never a point in the story where any suspense, or empathy for the characters, is built up. If you blink you will miss Steve Buscemi and Campbell Scott, who are both very good for the short time they appear. It really is a shame because the plot is very intriguing: two men reunite, former lovers in the Navy, whose relationship ended when the more closeted one at the time joined in with other sailors in gay bashing the other to cover for himself. While I wouldn't presume to suggest "how" to write a screenplay around this story, I would say don't do it this way. It was like watching paint dry. Paint that's a color you don't particularly like. The story ends without forgiveness or resolution, which in and of itself is not a bad way to end. But, if you never developed an interest in the characters, their struggles, or the story itself, that it remains unresolved is just one more sour note on top of all the others. As compelling as this story is on paper, it was delivered with such detachment and hack dialog that it really just comes off as a wasted opportunity. How they got Steve Buscemi, Campbell Scott, and John Savage, to board this nose dive is inexplicable. I wish it had been good. I really do...
scg46201 I found this movie to be a brilliantly crafted little gem. Rarely do we find movies that deftly handle such sensitive subject with such aplomb. The characters were extremely well written. This film surely strikes a cord with anyone over 40 years old. Not in it's portrayal of a man struggling with his sexuality, but in it's depiction of a human being who is growing older and hasn't come to terms with things done as a young person. And the deep sorrow or regret we feel.An excellent 94 minutes. What movie-making should be.Please by all means see this film. I apologize for my brevity. I simply don't believe that in order to enjoy a movie we have to discuss every nuisance of the movie.
arizona-philm-phan .....in a new subclass of male / female sexuality: "STI-FLEXUALS."(( "STI-FLEXUALITY"......it's a whole new word....a whole new descriptive title for a subclass of human sexuality. Beginning today, there is not only Heterosexuality....Homosexuality....Bisexuality..., BUT also this new subcategory. And peculiar to this subclass of "Stifled Sexuality" comes a new label for the Killer Fear that suppressing such feelings and behavior generates in us: "CLOSETOPHOBIA"....fear of coming out of the you-know-what )).(( And when, in your less than fully happy life, events arise which force you to realize that it is YOU who have Stifled...no, Crushed...the God-given purpose in life of another human being (in very fact, the Love of Your Life), you become nothing less than a Shattered human being. Your only...ONLY hope being the possibility of Forgiveness" )).Given us by this film....this writer....this director and, ultimately, by Harry himself....are vividly disturbing scenes of the devastating emotional and physical damages that such "Stifling" of our own sexual needs and desires can bring about. Following is just a very short list of some of those damages:Very often, unhappiness and a sense of not having succeeded on the part of any spouse caught up in a marriage to a "Sti-flexual" partner (divorce is often the outcome).Frequently, lack of closeness and connection between the "Sti-flexual" parent and his / her children, if any.In most cases there is the despair and sense of non-worth which can, for years, smolder within the "Sti-flexual" (even suicide has been a drastic result).Violence (often fatal) by one or more persons against an individual(s).Lastly in situations like this, successful attempts at "Making it Right" or "Making up for Lost Time" are rarely achieved...or come far too late. So ask yourself after viewing this film -- Has Harry succeeded in doing so....or hasn't he?If you learn nothing else from this film, take away this: What will ALWAYS stay with a someone like Harry is the ever hurting realization that this lost part of his (maybe Our) life has become just a throwaway....instead of a sweet and wonderful what-might-have-been. YET, can there still be REAL happiness in this kind of a man's future? Perhaps....perhaps. And in this regard, there is a based-on-true-life motion picture story of just such a salvation, now making its way through the new releases circuit. Aaahh, so perhaps all potential, and real, Harrys should be making their way to see this big-star, and likely award winning film, titled, "BEGINNERS."Thanks, Harry, the trip's been fun!(( PS--So, has this movie been talking about only Harry....or perhaps Me....or perhaps You, as well? ))****
beachgirlk I saw this film because my husband and I are fans of Jamey Sheridan as well as some of the other actors. It was great to see John Savage, as always! We both enjoyed the film. The beginning stumbled a little for me; some of the dialog was stilted and stiff in its exposition and the opening few scenes were, overall, bland with nothing new. My other problem was with the editing of the sequences. I could not tell where Harry was, literally, in a number of the scenes. I didn't know whether he was driving far or near. But that's a small problem. The acting, as previously stated, was very good and it's a testament to the writer, director, and producer that they were able to get this impressive cast together and get this small film made in these precarious times. Once the opening scenes in Harry's adopted home town were over, the movie picked up and became interesting. Jamey Sheridan was quite wonderful in the role. It made me think of his role in "The Ice Storm" which was also wonderful. If you like small intimate dramas, then this is something you can really enjoy. It's a shame that it is not seen more, but hopefully, it will have a new life on Pay Cable.