Hard Knocks

8.2| 0h40m| en

Hard Knocks dives deep into this bizarre fusion of sport and theatre in order to uncover the true art of professional wrestling; blending combat and athleticism with drama and showmanship to captivate the minds of the audience, suspending any disbelief that what they are seeing is not real. Although you can hardly epitomize it as simply "real" or "fake", there is no denying the tremendous skill and aptitude required of each performer. Yet despite this and the often harsh realities of each match, to most people, professional wrestling is a laughing stock. Director Arthur Cauty interviews wrestlers, referees and promoters alike, with world famous stars of the WWE aligning with the stars of tomorrow to voice their opinions, revealing startling truths about this illusive business. This film will shock and astound, leaving you with a new found respect for professional wrestling and the men and women who dedicate their lives and bodies to this obscure art form.



Producted By

De Cauze Films


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Lawbolisted Powerful
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
ProWrestlingReviews Short Review: Hard Knock's is a well made documentary and while not as impressive as Beyond the Mat it is enjoyable to watch and I would recommend it to anyone as although it's a British video, the story is the same across North America. I would have liked for the documentary to run longer than it did and felt I wanted more so with it coming in at just 40 minutes I did find myself hit the repeat button straight away because I wanted to see it again.If your interested in a behind the scenes look at wrestling that isn't a WWE or TNA production then this is something I would suggest you check out.
DJJOEINC Hard Knocks is a solid documentary covering professional wrestling in Great Britain. Mixing quotes from workers, fans and promoters with viewpoints by skeptics and great in-ring footage this is a worthwhile addition to any wrestling fans library. Includes in-ring and promos from CM Punk, Al Snow, Hardcore Holly and D-Lo Brown and many others. I enjoyed the insight and the different perspectives provided in this documentary. The DVD also includes over 80 minutes of deleted scenes featuring Chris Masters and many other wrestlers. Hard Knocks also includes footage from wrestling schools and indie feds in the UK. Included in the movie are CM Punk being entertaining as usual during a question and answer session with potential wrestlers and fans and Hardcore legend Mick Foley. Well made with a solid score and steady direction I am glad this movie is part of my collection. Jobber Joe panelist on Roundtable Wrestling Radio and author of Wrestling With Sports and Entertainment