Hard Knuckle

1988 "A shattered future. A legendary champion. A game where everything... is on the table."
5.4| 1h30m| en

In the post-apocalyptic wasteland of Australia, the most popular sport is Hard Knuckle, a bloodier form of pool. Harry is a pool hustler, wants to beat Knuckle champ Top Dog, to get his bike back.


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Somerset Film Productions


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SoftInloveRox Horrible, fascist and poorly acted
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Cissy Évelyne It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Donovan1 It's true that this is no masterpiece, however, for a pool movie it is really something different and a good time. A post-apocalyptic Australian wasteland is the setting for the future in billiards. Who new pool would make it through the next stage of humanity? *just kidding* I enjoyed this movie enough to watch it twice. There are parts of this film that will make you realize just how bad they want to gamble. You got to love it when they play on the Knuckle Table. It has a small monolith style block in the middle of the table. If you knock over the block, you lose a knuckle off you hand. Yes, folks, billiards has "evolved" to risking life and, OK maybe just limb! We have a hero, Harry, who is a hustler striving to prove he is the best around. I'm not sure how a true hustler would want to be known as the best, but hey, it's the movies! His sidekick is his tiny (and I must say very cute) Chihuahua dog and he picks up a kid as his betting manager. It the future it seems you have to have a manager or agent, in order to gamble pool with the big boys! The plot is Harry's desire to play this guy called Top-Dog. Although he is not allowed to just play him. He must play up through the ranks (kind of like boxing) and he has to have enough cash to even compete. Through all the hustles, bar fights, and (yes) even a little (and I do mean "a little") romantic drama, Harry finds himself deciding on whether or not to take on a risk that he was never willing to take on before.
chocothefrog Yes, it could easily be classed as rubbish & yes even silly but do the actors have fun. I think so. No wonder, they got to listen to that wonderful slide guitar. It's just a mad & silly world inhabited by some interesting characters. If you can find it have a look, it's fun.
Mothy You can't beat Australian post apocalyptic films for sheer awfulness, and this one is king of the genre. It has a budget that would be laughed at by the Teletubbies, and the plot - my word the plot! Post apocalyptic future. Violence. Degradation. Suffering. Snooker. Yes, you heard me - snooker. This film is a post apocalyptic thriller about snooker! The mind boggles, it really does...