Hard Revenge, Milly

2008 "Revenge Never Looked This Beautiful"
5.9| 0h44m| en

At some point in the near future gun and weapon control laws are deregulated by public order. Asia quickly becomes the epicenter of criminal activity in the world. In Yokohama City this violence becomes so extreme that the population drops as people try to escape the criminal element that remain. When The Jack Brothers murder Milly's husband and daughter in front of her, she vows revenge.


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Matcollis This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.
HottWwjdIam There is just so much movie here. For some it may be too much. But in the same secretly sarcastic way most telemarketers say the phrase, the title of this one is particularly apt.
Billie Morin This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
Platypuschow It's always hard to class a film that stands at 45 minutes as a "Short" I always consider shorts to be no more than half of that! Regardless here we are a Japanese revenge short which actually isn't half bad.Instead of going down the traditional weird Asian route they go down the gory one in a similar vein to Tokyo Gore Police (2008) just somewhat tamer.Telling the story of Milly, a woman butchered by a gang as she watched her husband and baby murdered who with some "Modifications" goes after those responsible.Hard Revenge Milly doesn't bring anything new to the table but what it does bring it does really quite well.This short was followed up the next year by a full length sequel and I'm looking forward to see what they did with it.The Good: Cast/characters are solid Action scenes are well done The Bad: Because of it's limited time it doesn't feel as fleshed out as perhaps it should Things I Learnt From This Movie: After disembowelling enemies it's tradition to cook their flesh before departing
christopher-underwood Violent and very bloody and whilst not being particularly original, enjoyable, principally, I think for two main reasons; it is not overlong and it stars a gorgeous Miki Mizuno, who plays and fights her part superbly. She is the feature that keeps this monster on the road but it is also the considered direction, the believable characters and the storyline that is more involving and believable than that in say, the more celebrated, Machine Girl. A pulsating movie with as much blood flowing as you could wish for and some quite splendid hand to hand and worse fight scenes. From the downbeat opening in a ruined Yokohama landscape to the ambiguous ending, this barely puts a flying foot wrong.
trashgang So now and then an Japanese gory flick comes overseas to enjoy us. But it's all a bit of the same. You can easily qualify it between Tokyo Gore Police and those kind of gorefests. Was it bad, not at all but again, you must stand the typical over the top Japanese style to enjoy it, for example, a decapitated body still keeps firing with a gun. The gore is intact but is also over the top. The red stuff sputters in a eastern style. The story itself wasn't that bad but it's a short movie, clocking in at 45 minutes I would say if you never have seen a Japanese gorefest than start with this one, if you can take it than you can make a move to full features. It's also easy to see that it was low budget, the camera's used weren't of good quality, just look what a mistake the lenses made by shooting in open air. Nevertheless, one to see but sadly it disappears in the wholesome bunch of Japanese gore coming over these days
masercot The gore is over the top in this one...and pressurized to one hundred and fifty psi. It is set in a post apocalyptic wasteland of the cheapest outdoor sets that the producer could find. The usual crazed over the top post-apocalyptic gangsters run this wasteland. Milly, a woman best described as angry and bionic is seeking revenge in this wasteland.The fight scenes in this low-budget digital film are pretty good, well choreographed with lots of fun new ways to lacerate someone. Miki Mazuno is gorgeous, even though she looks as if she doesn't want to be. I guess the movie can best be described as a female Japanese Max Max.If gore-effects don't make you queasy, this can be a fun movie; and, at a run-time of less than fifty minutes, you probably won't have to get up in the middle of the movie for a bathroom break...

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