He Knows You're Alone

1980 "Every girl is frightened the night before her wedding. But this time...there's good reason!"
5| 1h34m| R| en

A reluctant bride-to-be is stalked by a serial killer who only kills brides and the people around them. While her friends get whacked one by one, a hard-boiled renegade cop whose bride had been killed years before tries to hunt the killer down before it is too late.


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Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
SoftInloveRox Horrible, fascist and poorly acted
SteinMo What a freaking movie. So many twists and turns. Absolutely intense from start to finish.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
motowholigan Can't believe this film was actually produced. What a joke. The directing was horrible.....It seems that's a requirement of all horror films.
SnoopyStyle Bride-to-be Marie hates horror movies but is watching one with her friend. Someone stabs her to death in the back. Police detective Len Gamble is called in. He figures that it's the same man who killed his bride-to-be years earlier. Meanwhile, Amy Jensen (Caitlin O'Heaney) is planning her marriage to Phil. Her ex Marvin won't let her go. Nancy and Joyce are her best friends. Someone starts killing the people around her.It's a new age for horror but not every one can be Halloween. In fact, most are much less than the best ones that everybody remember. This is one of those. It's also much more inferior by the comparison. The opening movie theater kill is superb and lovely. However, the movie takes a long slide downwards but then Tom Hanks shows up. This is early Tom Hanks in his film debut. Leaving that aside, this movie is a basic serial killer flick without anything special. The killer has no distinguishing qualities. The lead is actually a fine actress but the acting overall is unmemorable. There is nothing here other than Hanks and the opening kill.
Matt Downey He Knows Your Alone is an early 80s slasher film that borrows heavily from Halloween and Friday the 13th. While watching the movie i wasn't really entertained, it was just something I sat down and watched for an hour and a half and that's it.The Music however is done very well and is extremely effective, and the suspense that is created isn't bad either There are six kills is this movie and none of them really stand out. there's no gore, blood or nudity either.If you're looking for a different slasher movie to watch, go ahead and watch this, its decent enough for one watch.
Jonas Skjøtt There is not much to say about this 'slasher flick', and there is not much to get exited about either... the only thing I founded a little bit exiting, was the appearance by Tom Hanks (his first film debut), actually why didn't he get more screen time, it would have been much more fun to look at him, than this sorry pierce of slasher cinema.This slasher movie, as many others, looks a lot like that successful movie called 'Halloween', not that I'm disappointed over that, because how can you, half of the slasher movies out there is a cheap knockoff of 'Halloween', but what i am disappointed about is the lack of creativeness in the soundtrack department... Ohhh boy, Alexander Peskanov & Mark Peskanov (the composers of this movie) have done a very cheap trick, they have copied John Carpenter's 'Halloween Theme', and good, it is not... it's BAD! And by the hand, what this slasher really need, is more gore and violence, you never get that wonderful feeling of B-movie trashiness, when you see the actual kills, after-all we only see these kind of movies, because we love to see how cheap and violent they can look, and this movie never shows that, the only "remotely violent thing" we get to see, is the killer waving with his knife in the air, and some blood dripping from the dead person (not even a single flesh wound)... it never gets more boring than that, expect for the talking scenes! There is many good slasher movies out there, so for the sake of horror-goodness... don't ever look at this loser of a movie!