Head Trauma

5.5| 1h24m| en

After a 20 year absence, drifter George Walker returns home to settle his grandmother's estate. As if awakening from a long dream, he finds his childhood home condemned and littered with the remnants of squatters. In the midst of trying to save his past, George falls and strikes his head, triggering an onslaught of vivid nightmares and waking visions. As the horror intrudes on George's reality, his conviction grows that someone or something is trying to kill him.


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Also starring Brandee Sanders


Micransix Crappy film
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
jet66 George is a troubled homeless man, returning home after 20 years. And to an empty house trashed by squatters and host to terrifying visions of violence. On a seemingly Sisyphean quest to clean up the house and earn it a reprieve from municipal demolition, George is more effective at uncluttering an old mystery. Head Trauma is a great indie with plenty of moodiness. The alcoholic loner, George Walker could have been rendered with repellent creepiness; yet Vince Mola is superb at playing him as a sympathetic victim of horrific circumstance. The rest of the performances range with varying success. Unfortunately - as is true of so many low-budget movies - sound design replaces any music, and it's mixed to push the visual scares. At the same time, one strains to hear the dialogue, which could have been recorded through a box of Kleenex. The bleak cinematography is well-shot, though the visions are over-tweaked with After Effects. But no matter how much effort was put into the visual editing, we are still missing considerable back-story. And that's a serious omission given the ending. All in all, it's worth a watch.
celr I've seen a lot of low-budget horror films and most are mediocre at best. This is the exception. First of all, it has an unusual story line, not your average vampire or monster, or mad slasher either. And though not high-tech, the effects are skillfully executed. I found it to be both scary and intriguing. Some moments were genuinely frightening. George (Vince Mola) is suffering from a head injury and it has affected his brain. He is having scary visions. He shows up at his dead grandmother's old house which he inherited but which has been condemned by the city. George wants to fix it up and live there. The house is dilapidated and spooky enough, but George's visions are getting worse and strange things are happening at night. We don't know if he's becoming mentally ill, if he's haunted by the ghost of his dead grandmother or if he's recovering memories from his past. George doesn't know either and goes about trying to find answers in his rather disorganized, mentally compromised way. Mola is just right for the part of the confused George. The atmosphere is perfect and I was impressed with the considerable skill with which the story unfolds. This film is definitely worth viewing on a rainy evening.
realalien-2 Really enjoyed this film. I know it's a low budget horror film but it's one of the best I've seen in a while. Good acting, music, editing, photography and directing. There are a few scenes that the acting wasn't as strong as the rest of the film but they are short and the rest of the film makes up for it. The story is engaging for the 84 minutes. I found some of the scenes very creepy and well crafted. The ending was a surprise and I didn't see it coming but it was a nice twist. I wonder when we are going to see the director , directing bigger budget films? Hopefully soon. Gets me excited to make another film.
luvcraft Head Trauma is about a man who suffers a head trauma while cleaning out his grandmother's condemned house, which results in bizarre nightmares that begin to bleed over into the waking world.Very well-written, well-directed, and ties things up perfectly at the end. It has some thematic elements similar to the recent invasion of Japanese horror movies (in particular, a mysterious girl with black hair whose back is always to the protagonist/camera), but whereas those have all been disappointing and seem to have just latched onto a scary image without making any effort to justify it, in Head Trauma every strange and scary image actually fits into the story, and it all makes sense in the end.

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