Far from Perfect, Far from Terrible
Don't listen to the negative reviews
Am I Missing Something?
n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.
This is a teen film that is not necessarily for teens. It is also a gaming film that is not necessarily for gamers. EL CORAZON DEL GUERRERO is a chilling look at a teen gamer who either stumbles upon a frightening conspiracy... or else he is dangerously insane. And, either way, the end is absolutely chilling. I can only imagine that the reviewer who claimed that the movie did not take itself seriously, either did not watch it to the end, or else he was not really paying very close attention. As for the reviewer who admits to leaving before the film was even half over, I would suggest he's not really in a position to properly judge the film without having experienced the midway twist in its tone. Easily one of my favorite films.
joan sanchez
Yes, another silly film about mind-affected teenager that see coinsurance's and evil wizards ruling the world... But he was right, or really he *is* right. Because the world is ruled by them, the mighty and his warriors. You can close your eyes, but they are still there.In fact, I started to see the film as a fantasy but at the end I thought that it was allegorical. Not so accurate, but you can see lesser relationships linking a fantasy role-playing game and political and social facts on a certain country, where the film was made on, my country.OK, let's say I have so much imagination, too. But can you say that you never suspected about a conspiracy in your own country? never thought that there is some people ruling the rulers? If so, this film is for you. enjoy it.(note: RPG players are not mind-affected. Most of times.)
This is one of the best fantasy films ever made. It wonderfully blends the aspect of heroic adventure and our reality. This film has a deeper meaning. I think that the best reccomedation to it will be Ursula Le Guinn's words "The best fantasy movie I have ever seen"
This is a really sweet and funny movie. If you are a fan of role-playing games and conspiracies, this will really hit a nerve. It is a nice movie, not the best I've ever seen in this genre, but definitely worthwhile. The movie has one great advantage. It doesn't take itself seriously.