Hearts of the West

1975 "Jeff Bridges is Lewis Tater, the Iowa farmboy who blazed a trail across the barren wastes of Hollywood and Vine in MGM's comedy surprise "Hearts of the West.""
6.5| 1h42m| PG| en

Lewis Tater writes Wild West dime novels and dreams of actually becoming a cowboy. When he goes west to find his dream he finds himself in possession of the loot box of two crooks who tried to rob him.


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Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
paulccarroll3 I saw this film for the first time last night on TCM,who were showing Andy Griffith films after his recent death, and was mildly amused. But reading the other reviews here you would have thought that it was much funnier and had more to say about old Hollywood,and B westerns, than it actually did. Although young Jeff Bridges is mildly amusing I don't think I actually laughed out loud once,and his character as written is so obtusely naive it's hard to believe He would ever survive his first experience lost in the desert,much less excel in the film business. The other point of the film seems to be pulling back the curtains on the fact that B western cowboys weren't really cowboys and they couldn't act either. But is this really something that was a hidden conspiracy? It really doesn't have much to say,and it doesn't go anywhere, I kept waiting for it to be better and more interesting,but it never got there.I do think it was worth watching once,but it's not one that I want to watch repeatedly. You can,however,see the glint of Gwyneth Paltrow in Blythe Danners' eye!
maverick3855 I saw this movie years ago but didn't catch the title at the time. It took several years to locate the title and to see it again. I thought this was a very funny and well done movie. Lewis Tater has has an innocent enthusiasm that makes him instantly likable. His Overacting in the gunfighter scenes and cracking the invisible whip in the lobby of the boarding house were hilarious. It reminded me of Myself in my younger years. This movie is loaded with fun and there is a certain nostalgic atmosphere about it that just leaves you smiling. Very underrated movie. For a just plain feel good fun movie I highly recommend it.
Gerald A. DeLuca In "Hearts of the West" Jeff Bridges is an aspiring western pulp-novel writer. He worships Zane Grey and lands what is for him a fantasy-come-true job as a stunt man in Hollywood B-westerns in the 1930s. There he works with a crew of losers under Alan Arkin. Bridges has some good comic stunts and spends much of the time eluding con-men pursuers. Andy Griffith all but steals the show as a wily former star who first befriends him and then cheats him. Blythe Danner is good as the female production manager who takes a liking to Bridges. Howard Zieff, recalled for his "Slither," directed this very likable piece.
missy_baxter What fun this movie is! Naive tenderfoot writer Jeff Bridges goes off to Hollywood to write B Westerns. And, every note is enjoyable. Andy Griffith is magnificent as bigger-than-life Howard Pike. Alan Arkin has all-kinds-of-fun as the egomaniacal director and Blythe Danner lights up the screen in her role. This is a great piece of Americana.