Hell on Wheels

1967 "THE ACTION IS GO!...when a HOT-HEAD meets a HEAVY-FOOT on a FAST TRACK...and the GIRLS LOVE IT!"
3.6| 1h37m| en

Two brothers, one a popular race car driver that all the women love and the other a brilliant mechanic who makes the winning possible, become enemies when one messes with the other's girlfriend


Producted By

Crown International Pictures


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BroadcastChic Excellent, a Must See
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Leofwine_draca HELL ON WHEELS is undoubtedly one of the worst 'racing' B-movies in existence. It's supposed to be some dramatic brother vs. brother thriller set in the world of stock car racing, but all the viewer gets is endless grainy footage of repetitive and boring races - it could be stock footage for all I know, as it sure looks like it - padded out with singing numbers from star Marty Robbins and others.Still, I suppose I should have expected no better given that Crown International Pictures put this one out, and they did make dog after dog after all. One of the stars is the ever-youthful John Ashley, shortly to depart US shores to carve a new niche as exploitation star in the Philippines, and who can blame him on the strength of this? Even those MAD DOCTOR OF BLOOD ISLAND type films were better than this...
Woodyanders Tepid family drama and conflict amongst the Robbins family boys: Oldest brother Marty (a sadly underwhelming performance by legendary country singer Marty Robbins) enjoys a successful duel career as a famous country singer and champion stock car racer, surly mechanic younger brother Del (decent work by the handsome John Ashley) aspires to be an ace race car driver himself, and other sibling Steve (insipidly played by Robert Dornan) works for the feds busting moonshine runners. Flatly directed by Will Zens, blandly scripted with a numbing emphasis on boring talk by Wesley Cox, further marred by draggy pacing, Leif Rise's plain cinematography, mostly stiff acting from a hopelessly wooden cast, and a painfully meandering narrative, this drab Edsel of a film proves to be a pretty rough slog to sit through. Worse yet, the racetrack footage is surprisingly tedious and unexciting, with even the expected inevitable metal-mangling automotive smash-ups failing to deliver any genuine thrills due to the general fun-sapping lethargy that hangs heavy over this movie like a dismal fog. To be fair, there are a few minor compensations: Fetching brunette Gigi Perreau provides some much-needed spark and sassy as Del's spunky gal pal Sue and the quaint country songs possess a certain folksy charm. A dreary wash-out.
hms5 I don't like race car driving, especially in a circle, but this 1967 movie is great. The star is Marty Robbins. He is a wonderful singer who in addition to his many country hits even had a giant Rock & Roll hit in 1956, "A White Sport Coat." Connie Smith also sings, and she was then the number one female singer in Country Music. In the 60's and 70's she had many hits, including one, "Once a Day", which was number one on the Billboard charts for eight weeks making it the biggest hit recording in all of the history of Country Music ever recorded by a female singer. In the mid 60's she had three number one (on the Billboard charts) record albums. She is the best female singer ever recorded.Also, appearing in this movie is the Stoneman Family, a bluegrass country folk band, who were even popular with San Franciscans at the Winterland Auditorium. Together they sold many millions of record albums and CDs. This movie's villains are old, wimpy, and are so vastly outnumbered by the good guys that the atmosphere is relaxed. The movie is an excuse to show the wonderful singing and music.This is the last real movie of long time child star Gigi Perreau. Also, it stars Bob Dornan in one of his last movies. He went on to politics being elected to Congress from California for many years, and he got the nickname B-1 Bob, for promoting the B-1 Bomber. Contrary to someone's comment there is no nose picking in this movie. See this movie for the singing and music.
Hollywoodcanteen1945 This has to be the most boring, uninteresting, and stupid race car movie ever made. I mean usually in these really junky "B" films you can generally get a laugh or two out of the stupid dialog. However, in this case, there is nothing even to chuckle at.Marty Robbins is a nice enough guy and a decent singer and from what I gather a good racer. However, his abilities are wasted and lost in this boring stinker. I was passing out from the long, drawn-out, races. I mean it's slightly "neat" in the beginning to see the old style 60s stock cars, but there's just nothing to get excited about.Hell on Wheels is a hell to watch!

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