Hello, My Name Is Doris

2016 "She's not ready to act her age"
6.6| 1h35m| R| en

A self-help seminar inspires a sixty-something woman to romantically pursue her younger co-worker.


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Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
mark.waltz I find that modern films come in four varieties: those which stand the test of time (a rare few), those which appeal to older audiences or the art house crowd, those only meant for young audiences, and those which the various generations can look at in their own way. That last genre is how I see this film, and coming from the late baby boomer era, I find a lot to appreciate here, a lot to make me cringe, and even a lot more to laugh at. I identify with the seemingly sad character played by Sally Field, lost in her world of having taken care of a dying parent. She's also the sole survivor of the veterans in a modernized company (ridiculously) which takes out chairs and puts in oversized beachballs simply "because". A new young employee (Max Greenfield) whom she becomes obsessed with, stalks on social media (another big eew), becomes ridiculously trendy, yet comes to life for the very first time. I can't imagine working at an office with nothing but millennials, because as is shown here, the basic rules of language and communication get destroyed. Field though seems to be having a ball and indeed is extremely funny. There's an ironic reference to "The Glass Menagerie" which Field appeared in on Broadway at the same time. Field is supported by the wonderful Tyne Daly, earth mother supreme, raising an over the top millennial granddaughter who shows Field how to make a fake social media account and gives her all sorts of ill-advised pointers on getting Greenfield's attention, all the while virtually avoiding her grandmother. So much to amuse, but way more to annoy with it's ultra liberal viewpoints of what society has become. Unlike other modern movies, though, the urge to turn it off is suppressed by the wonderful Fields. Her outburst when an estranged brother and some intrusive social workers try to get the hording Fields to throw things away is truly magical, and as much as you realize how obsessive/compulsive she is, the attempted control is maddening. If this accomplishes anything, it's the thoughts this brings up: of a growing generation gap, of old ideals needlessly replaced by senseless trends. and how just one odd meeting of the minds between different generations can change the world.
randy_mayor A stunningly bad movie. Not one scene rang true and many made my skin crawl (ball chair scene). There are so many clunkers to pick from but let's choose an early one that kinda sets the overall plot in motion. Fields' nebbish, 65 year old character begins a fantasy crush on a new, young coworker. When she's over at her friend's house who has a 13 year old granddaughter, discussion turns to the fact that Fields is smitten by this new man and said 13 year old granddaughter pulls him up on Facebook. Not one comment is made about his age and stunning good looks. With little discussion of the moral consequences they immediately create a fake Facebook page to begin stalking him. Weird, weird, weird. It's just one after the other. How do you get a green light for script like this?The other part of the movie that felt so off kilter was the wardrobe art direction for Field's character. We have a "hoarder" lady living in a run down house that is described by one character as disgusting and yet every day we see a new variation of fresh, kicky, retro outfits with a half up bouffant hairdo and scarf that goes way beyond any grandma's closet. And all the kids on the street think she is just adorable and hip. Give me a break.I see that some people described Sally Fields performance as Oscar worthy which is truly puzzling. To rank in that category the character or performance has to have some connection to reality and touch you with emotional intensity and truth. The only emotion I felt was impatience, as in how much longer before this movie is over.
jm10701 I don't know how to say how horrible this movie is. It's as if Sally Field (whom I've loved--and I do mean loved--ever since Sybil) forgot all the wonderful work she's done in the past 40+ years and returned to her moronic Gidget and Flying Nun sit-com roots. The problem is that she's hit 70 now, and behaving like an empty-headed, lovestruck tween is grossly out of place. She makes being an old woman seem extremely creepy.If this movie had not been so badly written and directed, her performance might have pulled it out of the gutter, but she just played along with the astonishing dumbness and let the movie slog through the scum it was spawned in.I'm going to try really hard to forget I ever saw this movie; if I can, maybe my appreciation of Sally Field will return. I wish I hadn't rented it, but I believed the gushing reviews, which must have been written by other septuagenarian Gidgets like Doris who are grateful finally to have a role model in Hollywood.
phd_travel I really really liked this movie. Sally Field displays all the wonderful emotions that are required for this role. She's so funny and so touching. Only she can act a role like this.A spinster who has been looking after her elderly mother turns over a new leaf after her mother dies. She fantasizes about her young colleague and then pursues him.The situations are funny without being painful and the supporting cast is superb including Tyne Daly. Loved the hoarding intervention and the generational gap jokes especially with the Tyne's grand daughter.A superb film.