Heroes Behind the Badge

8.5| 1h30m| en

Every 54 hours... The thin blue line fades to black.


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BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
goldengirls51 I recently purchased this DVD to use in my high school criminal justice classes. I believe it will bring home the full story of what it is to be a professional law enforcement officer.So many times these young ladies and gentlemen do not "get it" about LEOs. They watch COPS or SVU and get the whitewashed, unrealistic TV view of our profession.This DVD is an excellent resource for opening their eyes. We are doing a weeks worth of activities for Police Week. We shall start with viewing this documentary. Thank you for the true portrayal of our LEO Heroes.
getabout433 I saw this documentary last night {03/22/2013 } sponsored by Lebanon Police department ,Mount Juliet Police department and Wilson county sheriff's department, they also had equipment from the three departments on display prior to the showing with officers on hand for some Q & A.I really enjoyed the movie because it was not scripted it was very blunt and factual although it can be viewed by people of all ages.It tells the story of officers lost in the line of duty something we all know can happen but very rarely if ever think about but should every time we see an officer on patrol and I feel like if more people saw the movie they would,its a real eye opener.I highly recommend it and feel it could and should be required for all junior and senior high schools across the country.

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