Hidden Colors 3: The Rules of Racism

7.1| 2h24m| en

Filmmaker Tariq Nasheed explores the topics of race, racism, and history within the United States.


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King Flex Entertainment


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Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Connianatu How wonderful it is to see this fine actress carry a film and carry it so beautifully.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
jikan967 I was skeptical of the information promoted and provided in this film. But, I researched all the information I watched after watching this film. I was blown away... All of the information was easy to find on the net as well as Amazon books. I've ordered most of the books and this is just amazing that none of this is taught in mainstream society. Maybe there would be less racism and hate in the world if this information was taught to everyone. I know a lot of people are just writing this off as some Afrocentric b.s., but seeing as everything has been documented by non-black people, it makes it all the more believable. I would say, watch this documentary objectively and then do your own research. Many people are over looking at the surface and not seeing this is just historical information that is has been swept under the rug.
liquidvizions Just what we need. Another blame my race for all my problems when most of them are my fault. It is time to dry it up people and quit the whining. This movie is just that. Whine whine whine. Not to mention boring as can be.Movies like this just try and make people feel sorry for themselves. That is all there is to it. Nothing deep about movies like this. They just try and drag people down and keep you there. Quit blaming society and get out there and make things better for you. No one owes you ANYTHING. So watch this if you in the need to feel sorry for yourself because that is all you are going to get out of this nonsense.0/10
derron_h-41-496152 After watching Hidden Colors 1 & 2 Hidden colors 3 put it all together. It held me in my seat. I didn't want to get up and take a chance on missing anything. For me it was the most powerful movie I've ever seen. The information contained in the movie is information all Black people should and need to have. Hidden Colors 3 is not only a documentary but if your paying attention it is also a guide for what we as a people NEED to do if we are to survive. I drove from Baltimore to DC to see the movie and was proud to see the movie was packed with both young and old people. It was almost standing room only. It did my heart good to see that. If I had known the movie was going to be that good I would have did everything I could to get a bus load of people to the movie. All people both Black and White need to see the Hidden Colors series and have discussions about the content. In conclusion do whatever you have to do. Get your hands on the Hidden colors series and watch it with your family, your grand parents, your friends and definitely your children. GET THE WORD OUT.
arif-38-304933 If you are an African American or an African Non-American, this movie is FOR YOU! I was in tears almost throughout the movie, and it moved me so to the point that I will be devoting more of my time to solving our Black Rights issues (whether on a local level or a world level). This is not just a movie that will get you riled up, but one that will also give hope to those who have no clue of how to properly articulate the problems they have encountered, and the struggles they endured on a regular basis throughout their life an a person of African Decent. In addition to giving hope, it will also teach one of the things that he/she can do even on a small scale to embitter his/her own situation, as well as the community. My favorite part of the movie is when they begin to cover the solution for our economical situation. One of the speakers expounds on how important it is to hold ourselves to a higher standard as African Businessmen/women. This is of immense importance, and I'm glad that it was covered in a way that wasn't a turn off for the everyday brother like myself, and that I could still laugh at because they gave real life scenarios and examples! ONE LOVE!

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