Hide and Creep

2004 "A Movie About Zombies and Other Threats to National Security"
4.7| 1h25m| R| en

In the sleepy town of Thorsby, Alabama, no one had a life. Then the dead showed up. Now instead of just killing time the people of Thorsby are killing each other, taking up arms as the zombies take to the streets, the barbecue joints and the strip bars. Soon spaceships are flying overhead, federal agents are patrolling the grounds and a few fearless individuals are joining forces to run like hell.


Producted By

Crewless Productions


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Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
O2D I'll be the first to admit that I don't usually like or even understand zombie movies but this one is worse than most.I guess they are trying to be funny but they fail massively.The only time I laughed was when the guy at the police station told the TV guy to put the game back on.They keep trying to use the same joke about the one guy loving his car more than his girlfriend but it wasn't even funny the first time.I wasn't really expecting it to be funny but I was expecting some kind of plot and there wasn't any.There is literally no story or ending.Zombies show up and bite some people, end of movie.The worst part is that anyone who has a speaking part and gets bitten never transforms into a real zombie.They eat brains but just look human.This is definitely one of the worst movies I have ever seen.
seth-253 I honestly believe that any positive review of this film "Hide and Creep" must come from friends and family of the crew on this nostril flaring stinker. Retail shops such as Hollywood Video and Blockbuster must be forced into taking movies like Hide and Creep with the promise of cheap fees or royalties. The people behind Hide and Creep may think they're paying homage to greats like Night of the Living Dead and Evil Dead, but all they are really doing is creating a waste of time for any human being dumb enough to fall for the fake reviews on the DVD cover art. I hope, no, I pray that these southern goof balls never touch a camera again and stick with what they're good at...watching movies, not making them.
bravhart_1 OKay first off I had nothing to do with this movie nor did I personally know any of the actors or any of the cast or crew members for that matter.I have seen the worst of the worst zombie movies and movies in general. This is a very low budget movie with that in mind this movie was done very well.. Almost too well. My friends and I still quote lines from it and we still get together and watch it when we have our zombie movie get togethers. The acting was OK, the plot was OK and the effects were a little on the cheap side but for a low budget movie and entertainment it really does get much better than this movie.. Keep in mind that it is a low budget cheap cheezy zombie movie. but its funny and fun to watch.. I liked it and will defend it to anyone...If you wanna she some crap movies check out anything by asylum. Especially that Night of the Dead Leben Tod that is the worst movie ever made.. Chuck and Chance are Spielbergs compared to that crap.
quinnox-1 Saw this on Sci Fi and what can I say but it was possibly the most amateurish "movie" I have ever seen. And I could only bear to watch the first 10 - 15 minutes of it before I had to turn it off. I saw all I needed to see at that point. My god. Imagine if a group of High School students decided to shoot a zombie movie for fun and use it on halloween for laughs. Well this is what you would get, except maybe the high school kids might do a better job! The actors in this film all look like rejects from Hee-Haw and the direction and cinematography is abysmal. The make up on the zombies is not as good as a mask you can buy in a dollar store. This film gets the lowest grade possible. I can only marvel how this trash actually got released.

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