
7.4| 1h48m| en

As the denizens of a Tibetan village prepare for their arduous annual trek to exchange salt for grain, the community's allegiances are split between aging chieftain Tinle (Thilen Lhondup) and rebellious young Karma (Gurgon Kyap). Tinle tries to maintain his clout and preserve obedience to ancient customs when Karma challenges the old man's power.


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France 2 Cinéma


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Also starring Gurgon Kyap


Helllins It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
L. Denis Brown This is a superb example of the film genre which originally did most to establish cinematography as an important new art medium - it is a visually very striking tribute to a traditional lifestyle that is most unlikely to be able to continue for very much longer, and that would be lost forever if not recorded on film. Even back when feature films were still regarded as only poor shadows of stage presentations such films had already established themselves as a unique and irreplaceable adjunct to written or hand drawn records.For many years documentaries were probably the type of film most extensively made and, although the development of lightweight equipment that could be used in all weathers only took place very slowly, many anthropologically important works such as "Nanook of the North" or "Legong - Dance of the Virgins" began to appear soon after WW-I. Some were true documentaries where the photographer tried not to interfere with the normal activity pattern of his subjects, whilst in others the cast are deliberately acting out such activities for the exclusive benefit of the camera. Nanook of the North is an example of the former group whilst Dance of the Virgins has a story line built around the traditional ritual dances that are the principal cultural activity of the Balinese villagers who acted in the film. Himalaya is also an example of this latter type of documentary. It features the people of the Dolpo region, a high altitude plateau situated on the border between Nepal and Tibet in the Himalayas and so remote that its population appears to have only been estimated (somewhere between 5,000 and 18,000 according to Wikipedia). At an altitude of around 4,000 m this is one of the highest agricultural areas in the world with poor mountain soil, extremes of weather and a very short growing season, so not surprisingly the communities living there need to supplement their own food production through trading. For many centuries the traditional method has been to take salt (plentiful in Tibet) to Nepal by an annual Yak caravan trek across the mountains following the primitive trails developed to permit such trade, and to exchange this salt for grain. When Eric Valli made his documentary in 1999 this traditional practice was still being followed in a way unchanged for many centuries, but he appreciated that it was a fragile lifestyle and wanted to capture it for the world in case it came under threat. Since then a two prong threat has developed - the absorption of Tibet by the Peoples Republic of China has led to attempts to close the Nepalese Tibetian border which makes it harder for the Dolpo people to acquire the salt needed to continue this form of trade, and alternative sources of salt from other parts of the world have reduced the dependence of the Nepalese on the Dolpo caravans. It is hard to be optimistic that major changes will not become inevitable - a poignant concern whilst watching this beautiful film..Valli's team must have spent a long time getting to know the community and achieving a concensus on the story which would be presented. The final product is so realistic and documentary in effect that one almost feels it must be auto-biographical, but I believe this is unlikely as it would then have threatened to re-open the conflicts shown with potentially disastrous effects. It is much more likely to be a re-creation of legends and oral history from sometime in the past. It features an aged tribal leader Tinli, whose family has held this position for many generations, ready to hand over to his son just when the young man is killed in an accident. We learn that the role of tribal leader is not quite the hereditary right of this family, being subject to community approval which is based on proved ability to provide strong leadership - most effectively demonstrated by successfully leading their vital annual yak caravans. The old man's grandson is only a child - his other son is a monk in a Buddhist monastery with no experience to match the communities needs. He decides to once more lead the caravan himself and determines the departure date ordained by the gods. The community is split, many supporting another leader who spurns supernatural guidance and plans to leave earlier. Ultimately two caravans leave four days apart. They rejoin near their destination, the old leader dies of his exertions and the split in the community is healed. - this simple but very effective story provides a framework upon which Valli has created a memorable film that can be recommended unreservedly. The Himalayan scenery is unsurpassed and creates a must-see for all mountain lovers, but the most memorable sequences are those where we see (and experience) the vitality of the community when discussing the wisest course of action to follow..The ultimate triumphant success this almost unique movie achieves is the way in which its viewers come to feel they really know Tinle, the aged leader, and his contemporaries - this is an experience which is truly not to be lightly passed over. .For me the climactic sequences were those showing Tinle's followers waist deep in snow, battling their way through a storm which had created white-out conditions.. One could not but reflect that even the short time interval between the grain harvest and the onset of winter is always subject to storms which would render mountain travel hazardous or even impossible, Over several centuries many of the caravans must have just disappeared in such storms without trace. Every time this happened it would have been a very traumatic loss to the community concerned. What determination and trust in their gods must have contributed to their survival on such occasions. There are lessons for us all in this!
Atavisten On the rooftop of the world we follow the indigenous people of Nepal and their struggles between generations and the picking of a new leader. I am very glad to find a film that is (at least seems) true to the people and their culture without passing any judgment. I hope there would be many more of these to come.As a film its whereabouts of course play an important role, and it really gives you a feel for their struggles. This is people you care about so you would not see them hurt. Not so deep in your heart you know they wont be hurt much either, meaning its a 'safe' trip. This making it appeal to the whole family and in the same way taking away some 'tooth'.
George Parker "Himalaya" is about as exotic as films get. Using indigenous people in a remote and harsh corner of Nepal (Dolpa), an adventurous French director (Valli) created a film about a superstitious and aging tribal chief who leads a caravan of Yaks through hazardous Himalayan reaches to trade salt for the grain required to sustain his people. The film is interesting inasmuch as it uses native nonactors in an extremely remote region of great beauty which is seldom seen up close and personal. The result, however, is not great drama and the scenics, though beautiful, are less breathtaking than I had expected. In fact, I found the "The Making Of..." featurette on board the DVD more interesting than the film itself. Considering the low entertainment yield of this ambitious project, it would probably have worked better as a documentary or travelogue. Nonetheless, this exotic-for-the-sake-of-exotica film should be much appreciated by those into films about foreign cultures or with a special interest in the Nepali. (B)
hollywoodathome I've seen this film twice, and the first time it took me the first 20 minutes or so to get used to the characters, but then I was totally hooked! A great story about finding a balance between old ways and changing with the times. HIMALAYA is so beautifully shot - almost every frame looks like a photo. This film really transports you into another culture and world - an amazing journey in many ways. One of the most beautiful films I've ever seen (there were gasps in the audience from the beauty of several shots), and the music is great too! If at all possible, this film should be seen on the big screen. I highly recommend it!!