
5.8| 1h28m| en

Home for Thanksgiving break after their first semester at college, five friends discover just how much things change (and don't) after high school.


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Also starring Claire Chapelli


Breakinger A Brilliant Conflict
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Payno I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
sporin-847-766416 Good indy movie.I think it did a nice job of illustrating the awkward times when visiting home during your early college years. The breakups, the hookups, dealing with your parents again after a taste of freedom, and interactions with your HS friends who didn't go away to college. I remember those times vividly, even though I'm Gen X not Millennial.I agree with an earlier reviewer that the 2 female leads looked so much alike that I frequently confused them. Seems nitpicky but it's a pet peeve of mine.If you grew up in a similar area (rural northeast, post-industrial), I think you'll get what the writer/director were going for, and you'll enjoy it. It's very well acted and really nicely shot and certainly worth your time on Netflix Instant.
jayscott27 I'm a little short on time so, in short...I loved the film. I thought it was genuine and realistic. It was comical and touching. It was a well made film for its genre. I wish there weren't so many questions left at the end, but hope Starz considers making a sequel which would make this film even better, if done right, and tie up some loose ends left in this movie. That said, this was still a great flick, with great acting and memorable moments throughout. As far as Not Cool....it was awful. Shane should be embarrassed. Crude and not funny....not witty....horrible acting by all but the 2 female leads...Just not a good movie.
johncg25 I watched both this, and "Not Cool" to officially do the "Chair" experiment, and neither film was great, and neither film was terrible either.After seeing the trailers for both I definitely had much higher hopes for "Hollidaysburg" over "Not Cool". In the end though the film was nothing amazing as the trailer might suggest. It really wasn't that funny, I didn't feel much chemistry between the leads, and it was a little bit slow and awkward, but not in a good way. It did have some moments though, it was shot nicely, and I did really like the music. Beyond that it was just OK. The best part about it though would be how it captured the FEELING of being home on break and some of that drama, which is the only thing the film really did well, and did better then "Not Cool" in that regard. Beyond that though "Not Cool" was silly, but had a few jokes and actually surprised me a little after I Watched it in that I actually did care about the characters a little by the end, and that film had a few moments as well. (I also though felt no chemistry between the characters in Not Cool for the most part as well.) "Not Cool" was also not particularly funny after the first 10 minutes, and not a particularly good film either.So, bottom line, "Not Cool" gets an OK 5, and Hollidaysburg gets a slightly better, but still "OK" 7. Thats about all I can give it, as neither film was great, but they both had some decent moments and some (occasional) laughs. Hollidaysburg's FEELING of thanksgiving break was much more authentic then "Not Cool"s though and that was the difference for me.Definitely no masterpiece, and better then "Not Cool", but that really isn't saying much. It was OK.
tzukishiro Not only my time and money, but Anna's and the whole crew of the Chair. Should have seen it coming, as every time Anna appeared on the chair it became boring instantly, I could always tell when it came to Anna's perspective because of that. Photography and music was great, something good I guess, but overall story and how it was delivered, not good, also the actors at times seemed kinda awkward, it was just... It makes me mad. I think the biggest good thing about this movie (Besides when it ended) is that she did not write the script. That would've totally killed it, so props to the writer for doing a good job at handing his work and see it destroyed into tiny little pieces. That would've totally killed it, so props to the writer for doing a good job at handing his work and see it destroyed into tiny little pieces.