Holyman Undercover

4.1| 1h22m| en

An Amish man comes to Hollywood to be a missionary, and gets cast as Satan on a nighttime soap opera.


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Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Breakinger A Brilliant Conflict
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Sandy Loam I can't believe this move came out so long ago and I never heard of it. This is one of the funniest, healthiest, cutest Christian films to ever come out. It's very realistic. This movie made me think of The Lord every eight minutes. David A R White is a force of nature. He is making history, and changing lives. I don't know why David A R White is not winning the Academy Award yet. The Lord is in every scene, in every shot, in every frame, in every grain of this film. In this film, we see the inner workings of the Hollywood machine and how it is better to love God than to want to be in movies. This movie gives me all of the ammunition I need to do my work converting and witnessing. I just put this movie on, pull out a big "J", and smoke it. Then I fall asleep, and the person who thinks I'm trying to convert them gets confused and then they haul ass.
lagudafuad When I saw the name of the movie, Holyman Undercover I was fooled to think some form of espionage like mission impossible thing was going to happen. My rate of disappointment when I realized that none of the above took place cannot be expressed with words, but I wasnâ(TM)t deterred I went along with the movie expecting to be surprised and boy, wasnâ(TM)t I.Given the privilege top screen movies before it gets recommended to the Church, I went on a DVD hunt for Christian movies; I picked many and sat for a marathon, when I came across this movie I had to pause and check again to be sure this is meant to be a Christian movie.The thing is when a Christian movie starts to have sexual undertones, which are not hidden mind you, I start to wonder what message are they trying to pass. The makers are trying to make it seem that the lead character Roy was in a state where he was trapped with between this modern life and what he believes in.Roy then goes undercover playing any acting gig he can get and dropping lines that will help win people to Christ.I have written over 250 reviews this is my first 1 star rating, this movie is so bad that I felt insulted that this movie has the name of my savior beside it, the problem is not the bogus acting (hey it is meant to be a comedy, a ridiculous one at that) neither is it the bad costumes which was a plague in this movie (Iâ(TM)m not someone who looks out for costumes in films, but the costume work was so bad that you canâ(TM)t help but notice) the problem is that, our religious man, has a crush on his employer.Now when a Christian movie has a scene where the lead fantasies about a girl putting on lipstick and calling his name seductively you need to stop watching, because this movie will be shown to kids and many out there under the umbrella of Christian movie and it will be sad, that kids learn that it is OK to lust.Holyman Undercover, is a drag, it is boring and not at all funny. If you manage to keep awake after the first 30 minutes then all the best, here is a movie I highly recommend you throw away the DVD if you ever come across it.www.lagsreviews.com
hausrathman David A.R. White plays an Amish man who goes to Los Angeles to find his missing uncle and inadvertently becomes a television star in this genuinely funny film. Since "The Passion of the Christ," there have been quite a few faith-based films trying to tap into the Christian market. This is the first comedy in the genre that I've seen and it definitely succeeds. It is essentially a Prodigal Son story about a naive young farm boy who goes to the big city and faces all of the temptations of the world before coming to his senses and returning to the roots. The biggest difference between this film and the parable in the Bible is that this one has more laughs. Then again, it'd be hard not to get laughs with supporting performances by the likes of Fred Willard, Clint Howard, Edie McCLurg and Jennifer Lyons. I'm looking forward to a sequel!
momoften What a disappointment! We had been looking forward to the release of this movie. I found this movie just plain silly and dumb. It had no clear Christian message, which is what I have found so good about David White movies. This movie also was very suggestive in an immoral sexual way. I felt it was inappropriate for younger viewers. It should have had a rating to this effect. I was very embarrassed that I did not preview this movie before watching with my children. I felt the jesting of Christianity did a disservice to all Christians. David White's talents were truly wasted here. I would not recommend this movie at all.