Honor and Glory

1992 "Two Tough And Hot Sisters Locked In A Deadly Game."
4.2| 1h27m| R| en

FBI agent Tracy Pride is on a mission to capture businessman Jason Slade, who is involved in extortion and murder. Teaming up with her is her sister Joyce, a news reporter; Dragon, Tracy's partner in Hong Kong, and Jake, a bodyguard who worked for Slade. Can they stop Slade before it's too late


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Filmswell International Ltd.


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Also starring John Miller


Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Alistair Olson After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
lemon_magic What does it mean to say that the acting in "Honor and Glory" is really, really bad? Well, it's bad not in a "Manos: Hands Of Fate" or "Wild,Wild World of Batwoman" way, and not in an "Ed Wood movie" way...but in a "not even as good as one of the better Chuck Norris movies" way. No one screws up their lines, there is no real incompetence on display in the camera-work or the costuming, and the cast is attractive and photogenic...but the screenplay seems to be written on the level of a Power Rangers movie. And the acting goes there too, which would be OK if they were playing it for laughs...but the movie plays things straight, so the humor is unintentional. For instance, in the introductory scene that introduces the "reporter" half of the team, a Senator's daughter - SENATORS DAUGHTER, mind you - PULLS A KNIFE on the reporter in the presence of her camera crew, and the reporter kick-boxes her into submission. And then the reporter and her crew waltz off, and NO ONE remarks on it for the rest of the movie - no filed charges with the police, no scandal, nothing. That's the kind of movie this is. Lacking any real heft or humanity or consequence, it fills 90 plus minutes with kick-boxing and witless dialog and silly plot devices until things wind up. The end.On the plus side: It's cheerful, things keep moving, and Rothrock has just a little bit of something that translates well to the camera - which is probably why someone thought they could have her carry a movie.They were wrong, but not disastrously so. It's also a Godfrey Ho/Hall vehicle, but without the part where he shoe horns completely related ninja footage into a 3rd rate action movie and them tries to pretend the ninja stuff relates to the rest of the movie via awkward linking dialog scenes. So that's a relief.You can give this one a miss, but it won't hurt you to watch it the way some of Ho's stuff hurts you.
Leofwine_draca HONOUR AND GLORY is a feather in the cap of Hong Kong director Godfrey Ho, the man best known for his cut and paste ninja movies of the 1980s. Before and after those films, however, he had quite a career making low budget action features, and those of the early '90s have aged quite well. These are classic examples of so-bad-it's-good cinema, with elaborately staged fight scenes and plenty of jaw-dropping overacting.This film's no exception. Ho shot the film in America with an American cast and the plot is simplistic stuff about various characters teaming up to fight back against a crime overlord. Headlining the cast is Cynthia Rothrock, who doesn't get too much screen time but is more than adequate when she does show up. The little-known Donna Jason plays Rothrock's sister, a roving reporter who also knows a thing or two about martial arts.The best thing about this film is the human he-man John Miller as the villain of the piece. He goes way over the top in the acting stakes and is completely hilarious as a result. You may or may not remember him as Rothrock's cop partner in the even funnier UNDEFEATABLE. Miller is surrounded by bodyguards and spends the whole film beating on people. The fights are slow and quite awkward but like the cinema of Amir Shervan, HONOUR AND GLORY is too much of a treat for bad film lovers to dislike.
leonardconstantin61 I've saw the Asian version of this movie which is called : ANGEL THE KICKBOXER and features actors like : Cynthia rothrock,yukari oshima,robin shou,Pauline Chan,Donna Jason,waise lee and others.this movie has non-stop action and the fights are well done but are very short unfortunately.i wanted to see Cynthia rothrock in a few other scenes that are not included in honor and glory but they aren't.as a Cynthia rothrock's fan i wasn't disappointed by this movie which is very entertainment in my opinion.i hope to see these days a new movie with a cast that include Cynthia rothrock+yukari oshima or Cynthia rothrock+Michelle yeoh(they played very well in police assassins)
tudorcostin11 i can't believe it was a movie on the market with my favorite actress:Cynthia rothrock and yukari oshima in it and i din't knew about it until yesterday.i've saw this movie a few hours ago and what can i tell you is that this movie has a great cast(beside Cynthia and yukari also plays robin shou,waise lee,Pauline Chan,Donna Jason and others),it has week script,average and short fights but many (from start to finish - non stop fights)but what can i say is that you will not be bored watching this movie ,everytime is something happen,is not like 'police assassins' or 'righting wrongs' but it deserve to be watched.this movie enter in that category of 'so bad it's good'