Hooligans & Thugs: Soccer's Most Violent Fan Fights

6.7| 0h57m| en

Documentary looking at soccer hooligans around in the UK and around the world.


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Harockerce What a beautiful movie!
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
nikoi8888 what kind of world do we live in? and then you turn on your TV and everyday there is some kind of tragedy, some new war escalates... I watched few months ago Terrorists, wackos and middle east killers, and it shocked me, it really did... So, the question we want to ask ourselves is: "Is hooliganism really SUCH a big problem?" I come from the land where hooliganism is very strong. But so is almost everybody else, from Great Britain to Greece and Turkey... What is the cause of it: like every war ever fought on this planet, it's about power and control... If you are a fan, you can't let your rivals to come in your town and take over, and as well, you will try to take over your rivals town, even for few hours! This documentary is about hour long, and it showes clips of riots and fights between fans and their rivals and fans and police... Clips are not of best of quality, but you get the picture even if it's blury. I've noticed that music on hooligan clips on Internet is always very aggressive, and in this case it's the same, but it's very annoying because it is on loop (and I don't like trance, but so be it....)Movie contains graphic violence,but not as near as "Terrorists, wackos..." In conclusion, i would like to apologize for my spelling, and recommend this movie to everybody, especially to people that never seen hooliganism... It's the dark side of our nature, but it is a part of us....
kevandeb What can i say?? i feel as a UK citizen, after watching this, that the British owe the world a huge apology for our behaviour.....THEN i look at the rest of the world...! and whilst the stigma of hooliganism seems to have perpetrated from the UK in the 70's,,,if not earlier? i look to countries like Argentina, Italy, Germany, yes even the USA, China and most particularly Holland where the British may have led the way, but are now far exceeded by the excesses of our counterparts. The British appear to be a unique island race that seem to detest any form of oppression, and instead of negotiating, on the contrary, seem to meet violence with violence. Throughout history, Britian pre-empts aggression with oppression and 'do unto others before they do it to you' mentality. As a so called 'Brit' i abhor violence and the cowardice of picking on any kind of underdog. In fact i have got into trouble for protecting underdogs, and believe the 'British Empire' is a stain on our history. BUT that does not mean successive generations have to keep apologising for our ancestors behaviour. This documentary is simply a diary of a time in the UK which nobody is proud of, except the morons that partake. due to factors such as margaret thatcher, deliberate lower case, miner's strike, close knit communities in close proximity to other communities, where else do you get two major cities 30 miles apart? it is feasible this disease spread so quickly..... i ask the rest of the world.....what is your excuse???

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