Teddie Blake
The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Derry Herrera
Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
Aktham Tashtush
The story is good ... good for a Liftime or MTV movie ,, i mean i get it cancer and all ,, but the whole scenario was a bit lame.The plot is so average,, the writing was a problem ,, and the directing looked so weak ,, the scenes just kept on coming and it actually felt like a TV movie where 14 years old girls would like to watch with there moms.The cast just added to the awfulness ... don't know about, Mia Rose Frampton, i feel like i saw her somewhere before in a movie ,, and i hated her back then, and it all scratched back into life today.finale thought,, you could watch it if you have "literally" nothing to watch..
Hope has accepted that her cancer is terminal, and enjoys special attention from the most popular girls in high school because of her diagnosis. And her teachers excuse her from tests and assignments. When Hope's mother wants to intervene in her school life, the guidance counselor explains to Hope's mother that high school is hard for everyone, not just Hope. When her cancer goes into remission and she is no longer considered terminal, Hope is uncertain how her friends and teachers will react and hides the truth. She faces her fears and learns that some things are more important than being popular.This movie has some funny moments and some serious and touching moments with her friend Sarah, who also has cancer. All in all, a good movie that you'll want to see again.
When 18 year old Hope Gracin suddenly finds herself in remission from end-stage cancer, she must learn to live without an expiration date. Cancer is a very big deal as you all must know in real life since everyday alot of good people die from that terrible disease, unfortunately however this dramatic comedy does achieve must as it might wanted to do. The acting was really bad, the running time was thankfully short and the overall storyline not that good developed to say the least. Overall see something else with a similar plot like Midnight Sun... (0/10)