Hot Rod Horror

2008 "Stay out of this bone yard!"
2.5| 1h28m| en

While trying to find where her younger brother wandered off to, Jenny and David, must search an abandoned wrecking yard with a horrifying history.


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Video Man Productions


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Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Bereamic Awesome Movie
SparkMore n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Jonathan Huston The music in any movie, can make or brake it. I enjoyed the songs by a band Called Stones Fall Red.This director has a vision like none other. He is down to earth, Salt of the earth man. He takes risk, that is a sign of a path finder. I love all his work. He is an artist and sees into the past, when needed, and the future too. He does brake the mold, he does things his way...I keep my ears to the road when I hear any new worked that he is working on. enjoy a good time feelits like stepping into the past, real fast I tell my family and friends when there is something new on the filming or releas's
carney818-1 Heard of this one thru a friend. Took a chance on it and was glad I did. A Horror tale at a Cool Junkyard.Although The Acting was touch and go.The Story was well Written and The Main Bad guy Alex was Scary. There was some cool Crashes, Stunts etc.I have seen my share of low budget Films before.This one raises The Bar and tries a little more with what it had to work with. Director Mapson did a good job keeping The Story Flowing. The Main location is a winner for you car junkies and there is enough Horror to keep you interested.There is one death scene that Rocked.To sum it up I found Hot Rod Horror to be a nice mix of The old time Car flicks and Modern Horror of today. There are more than a few scenes that defy The Budget.I think you should give this Film a spin and check it out yourself.
mjbink This is not your typical horror-gore film. In fact a lot of the horror is left to your imagination-that's one of the things I liked about this movie. True-the acting isn't perfect-but then again-most of the teens in this movie were just starting out. I do think the editing could have been better. But I did get creeped out by this movie and at the same time I got a kick out it! It's also campy and funny. Whether the director was going for campy/funny-I don't know-but I think that's what makes this film work. Most of the film takes place during the day which is also different. The good thing about that is that you're able to see what is going on. A lot of horror films take place at night or they are just so dark you can't see anything. Over all I think this is a decent indie horror/action/comedy movie.
curlies7 With the development of film technology, anyone can knock out something visual for the 'entertainment' of others nowadays and at a next-to-nothing cost. Unfortunately, this has produced a load of tripe hitting the internet, and straight to release DVDs.The makers of HRH (Hod Rod Horror - I've a feeling I'm gonna grow tired of writing this title in this review) are no exception; what they may have saved on using a scrapyard as the set to this movie (and used scrap for the rest of it), they've neglected to spend on entertainment value.One of the main problems (there are many) with HRH is that the audience's appreciation for entertainment is neglected; and that is a big problem if you create anything to stimulate an audience. Not that the actors are solely to blame for this. However, the selection is a desperate one... especially the big, ambling, constipated, blonde (Stephanie Hoover) who seems to barely exist as a human and always needs to run off to find privacy either to 'pee' or to spew (yeah, 'tis natural, if seeing a corpse and feeling nauseous, to have to hold it in and find a place to chuck instead of being real and doing what comes naturally - to vomit on the spot).When it comes to acting, what you discover in HRH, is a cast of amateurs (don't tell me that these individuals have studied acting - although Mark McPherson and Matt Severson do OK) thrown into a scrapyard and permitted to walk aimlessly around by a director who hasn't a clue to perform his main task... i.e. direct (just need to point that out to you, Darrell Mapson). Thus these dead beings wander and wonder around in a suspense-less environment, dramatically pursued by an incompetent 'menace' (ahem) of a ghost (ahem) whose role is to be hellbent on avenging his death 40-50 years earlier.Now, the so called car, 'Hot' rod, that gives the main portion to the title of this movie is something to behold. Being less than tepid - I've seen lawnmowers move quicker... and that's an insult to garden tools - the movie consequently stumbles sluggishly along as the 'menacing' motor hunts down the kids, who, 'frozen' (through fear of acting, no doubt) 'try' to flee, joggingly quiet, dumb through fear (or is it through shock of being cast in such a crap movie?) into the next 'what do I do here, Mr Director' scene. Unintentionally amusing is one scene where the car runs over Jenny's cellphone. This is achieved with the 'Hot' rod slowing down (if that's possible) just to make sure it doesn't miss the phone in its tracks. Besides the car affecting the pace of HRH, are the aforementioned actors who aren't allowed to breathe and inject some life into this movie; as a result, there's little difference between the kids in their living and dead states - both are mute and stiff.Others reasons for the poor acting and quality of HRH is the lame script everyone had to work with. Oh, if you check the credits, you'll notice that this is written by the same guy who portrays the menacing murderer, Axel (Willy Ortlieb). Why oh why didn't any of the cast or crew question the poor value of this scriptwriting? Lines are either unrealistic or just pointless... I guess there must have been a bit of nepotism going around concerning Mr Ortlieb's role in HRH (you'll also notice a couple of other Ortliebs in HRH too). The editor, Lisa Donette May, is another culprit for the catastrophe that is HRH through neglecting to control the finished state of this movie: there are so many pointless scenes where nothing happens and thus slow down a no-go film. Lisa, what did you actually cut? This is not a Terrence Mallick film, where a scene can compose of stillness yet resonate in tranquility and beauty. It's a disaster, so 'cut to the chase' when you edit in future... pardon the pun.Regardles of all these faults, I managed to strenuously watch all of HRH - just out of sheer curiosity to see what else could go wrong. One bit of advice: fast forward the 'Hot' rod scenes - just as a means to inject some life into that wagon and make that piece of junk move.... oh, and if you're going to have a ghost, maker of HRH, give 'im a car that'll not age: the whole thing's a rust bucket.. and so is this movie, which is an insult to films made on a cheap budget, but actually work! PS: There are positive reviews to this movie, but as I sense they've been left by someone connected to HRH, I'd be very wary.