Hotel Deluxe

5.1| 1h34m| en

Hotel Deluxe is basically "All's Well Ends Well 2013", with almost the same cast and crew, and some new faces added in. It tells the story of a team of hotel management trying their best to score a 5-star rating for their hotel, with some supporting characters and stories added in along the way.


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PlatinumRead Just bad
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Mehdi Hoffman There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin The movie really just wants to entertain people.
tetraslash Generally, I have low hopes whenever I watch HK comedy movies since most of them these days revolve around stale gags or heavily over-the-top jokes. My nephew wanted to watch this movie, so I watched it with her.In terms of how I felt after watching the movie, I actually thought the movie was fine. The premise is good and original, and the characters are unique and funny. There isn't much development, but you get your bang for your buck for the time you spend watching the movie.The story revolves around the President of a wannabe five-star hotel that tries to convince her sleazy "four-star" employees to work harder in order to make it happen. A hotel ranking appraiser is due to arrive very soon, so she decides to invite two major actors into the hotel to help endorse it.The rest of the movie is just fun and games, and a lot of pleasant surprises. The band of employees doesn't like the President for being so egotistic, so they constantly try to indirectly mess with her.The major twist happens when more characters enter the scene, but I won't spoil it at this point. Just know that you'll certainly go "OMG" once you realize who the appraiser was actually posing as :).