How to Seduce a Woman

1974 "He Chases Women...Until They Catch Him!"
4.7| 1h50m| R| en

Employees of well-off conman and lady's man Luther Lucas talk about the 5 women he'd most like to bed. To make this happen he'll spare no expense, pretend to be gay, pretend to be a friend of Garbo's--anything.


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AboveDeepBuggy Some things I liked some I did not.
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
johnbernhard The general premise here is dated and sexist, and details the affairs of the central character. The attempts at comedy are perhaps among the worst ever committed to film. The jokes fall flat and the lead character is a geeky looking schlub whom we are supposed to believe is irrefutable to all women. The film plays like an R rated episode of LOVE American STYLE. Why track down the old Prism VHS tape then, if this is so dire? For 70's blonde B movie queens, Alexandra Hay and Angel Thompkins. Both reveal ample skin, especially Hay, but sadly the script is contrived and unrealistic and both actresses are saddled with embarrassing roles to portray. As much as I was hoping would have a nude scene, when I watched it I felt sorry for her ( the plot of her section redefines branded ).