Human Traffic

1999 "The weekend has landed."
7.1| 1h39m| R| en

Five twenty-something friends spend a drug-fueled weekend in Cardiff, Wales.


Producted By

Fís Éireann/Screen Ireland


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MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Twilightfa Watch something else. There are very few redeeming qualities to this film.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Kevin Shields I'm giving this a 10 because I seriously love this movie. I've seen far better, more profound plots, better acting etc. - but then again, I forgot about most of them. Yet Human Traffic is one of those movies that stuck with me. The movie is just pure fun and a look at what life is like for a rather sizable amount of young adults struggling with how to deal with a life dictated by a shitty job, which is, let's face it, the harsh reality for most people on the planet. The Answer is simple: go out on the weekends, go nuts, party and forget for the moment. Drugs play a prominent role in this one as well of course, but I wonder why people that didn't like the film get all cranky about it. It wasn't the main plot point unlike in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, which is hailed as a cult classic. Last time I came around to watch it I saw it completely sober (not even a sip of beer) together with a friend and I thoroughly enjoyed it and was somewhat envious of the fun the actors were successfully conveying. So no worries, you need not be high or drunk to enjoy this movie, as some suggest in the discussions. And afterwords I wanted to go out and dance and party so badly. It had a really energizing effect on me. Yet sadly, it was a Sunday...All in all, it's one of those movie's that people easily put down, cause it doesn't seem like much. But perhaps you're like me and it sticks with you, in a good way. It's worth a try. Oh and if you get the chance to watch this on a Friday, sitting together with friends before you got out, getting drunk, so you don't need to pay so much in the club(s), PLEASE DO. It'll most DEFINITELY get you in the right mood ;)
freemantle_uk Made with a budget of £340,000, Human Traffic has become a cult classic since its release. An interest and very surreal piece of film making set in the capital of Wales.Human Traffic focuses on a group of five friends, Jip (John Simm), Lulu (Lorraine Pilkington), Koop (Shaun Parkers), Nina (Nicola Reynolds) and Moff (Danny Dyer), a combination of wage slaves, unemployed people and a student. All of them suffer from person troubles, Jip's mum is a prostitute, Koop's dad is in a psychiatric ward, Moff is in content conflict with his dad and Lulu has relationship problems. The gang to blow off some stream by having one wild weekend of clubbing to dance and techno music, drinking and consuming drugs, particularly ecstasy as Jip and Lulu discover their feeling for each other.Human Traffic is a very surreal film, with a big of number of fantasy sequences. These scenes felt very much like a dark version of Scrubs, from Jip having an argument with an imaginary punter in his car, talking to someone thinking about taking drugs for the first time in a classroom and it was all pretty funny. Jip also broke the fourth wall, which reminded me of Saved by the Bell, weird.Director Justin Kerrigan knows where to place to place the camera and he does make a stylist film. But there is not much of a plot, it is simply about a night out. The atmosphere in the club did fill real and people ho enjoy techno music will like the soundtrack. I also enjoyed the nonsense that druggies speak in this film.John Simm is a talented actor and he was easily the best actor in the film. He is really does inhabit his role. The other actors were fine, even Danny Dyer haters can not complain about him here. But there is not too much to write home about either.
davidjaller If you "been there" and "done that" you will absolutely love this film. I have and by "there" I mean underground clubs and house parties where there is far more rare to find people just being drunk than it is to find people high to their ears on extacy, speed or LSD. By "that" I mean dancing and sweating like crazy for eight hours or so in a row with out even a brake and , that followed by a way to long morning of no-can-sleep and almost wanting to die, followed by a week of just waiting till the next weekend to do it all again.So even though this film now is one of my absolute favourites I can certainly understand why some people, or most people even, would dislike it.
Max Sohl Entertaining drug filled feel good film with a taste of a quite innocent scenery.First off i felt like this could be sort of a cheesy flick due to the content. Drugs, parties, teens/semi-adults, relations. Hmm, didn't appeared as a really original plot. But that doesn't matter because of the actors. It's a great mix of different personalities and their friendship is portrayed in a very natural way.Not to be forgotten: the well produced soundtrack that accompanies the good efforts of the actors and adds an extra star to my review.This flick is a typical Sunday-night-flick. When the anxiety is at it's peak this flick can be your Saviour...Enjoy :)