
8.3| 3h0m| G| en

Join Sam Neill on an awe-inspiring virtual journey as he explores the wonders and terrors that lie beyond our world. Experience the beautiful astonishing and often dangerous phenomena of the universe as state-of-the-art computer graphics take you from the vast clouds where stars are born to the edge of a planet-guzzling black hole.


Sam Neill


Producted By

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)


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Breakinger A Brilliant Conflict
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Tyreece Hulme One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
Edwin The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
DieCommie This is the worst space/science documentary I have ever seen. There is no real science in it, mostly is just tries to amaze with doomsday scenarios where the earth is destroyed. (ohh the sun will blow up one day ... scary!) Also, there seems to be a lot of time spent on corny graphics, which isn't necessary nor visually pleasing.The section on black holes does not even describe the event horizon or singularity, very simply and key traits.Then there is the fact that it is called hyperspace, yet I don't think it mentions higher dimensional space anywhere in the documentary.My opinion, If you want a science documentary, look elsewhere.
kaelcarp My first impression of this, as I watched it, was that the visuals were very well done, and indeed they are. Great graphics make you really see how it looks when the events described occur. If it were just a graphic presentation, I would have given it a 10/10.Unfortunately, it wasn't. While the presentation, including Sam Neill's narration, was very well done, the content was extremely scarce, and what was there had me raising my eyebrows. There is very little information in this that can't be gotten out of a grade school level book. The series makes very simple, obvious assertions about the universe and stretches them out for a half hour each. What's more is that it is strangely alarmist, giving the feeling that we could all die at any moment from some huge cataclysm. While that's true on some level, it's also extremely unlikely that a comet or asteroid will strike us out of the blue. To watch this series, you would think it was inevitable within our lifetimes.It also makes the assertion that the only hope for humanity's future lies in colonizing the stars. This may or may not be true. In the several billion years before this even becomes an issue, we may very well discover how to keep the sun burning longer, how to live in the vacuum of space, or any number of other things that would make that much less relevant. There is no pressing need to colonize other worlds right now, though I admit I love the idea of doing it.In all, outside of the alarmism, I suppose this would be good for someone who is very unfamiliar with astronomy in general. But if you have some knowledge of the subject, you won't get much out of this besides nice graphics.
jap_baker When it comes to making good, informative and visually stunning documenters, the BBC stand head and shoulders above the rest. Shows like `Space' and `Walking with Dinosaurs' may not be hard-science, but they are good-science and understandable. I have a scientific education, but I still love shows like this. It helps you to understand things by placing them in a visually captivating way.If you want hard facts and hard science, go watch `The open university', if you want to understand what's going on without needing a PhD in Astrophysics, watch `Space'.
mwillson125 This is the sort of tabloid "science" program that devotes more screen time to special effects, spectacle and catastrophism than education. Any single episode of "Nova" contains more hard science than this entire series. I'm surprised there wasn't a chapter on horoscopes.

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