I Do

6.5| 1h31m| NR| en

A gay Brit living in New York is deprived of his immigration status, and risks losing his family and life in the U.S. He marries his lesbian best friend to remain in the country and stay with his family, but things get complicated when he meets the love of his life and is forced to make an impossible choice.


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Thehibikiew Not even bad in a good way
Solidrariol Am I Missing Something?
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Brennan Camacho Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
zif ofoz Well this little ditty has every sappy melodramatic cliché ever thought of, and with a twist too! Well maybe not.Here we have Jack & Peter Edwards, brothers. Peter & wife Mya meet Jack at a fancy fancy eatery to proudly announce to Jack that Mya is pregnant and they are joyful that Jack is going to be the gay uncle! All is right in their world ... oops, not so fast ... Peter gets run over by an automobile that very same evening, and the movie just started! Poor Peter! Jump forward eight years. The daughter, Tara, is now eight years old and ever-so sweet. Mom Mya is studying to be a nurse and Jack has been a comfort and a supportive uncle. All is right in their world ... oops, not so fast ... Jack receives notice that his visa is about to expire and he will have to go back to England! He has family, a job, and has been a fine member of the community in NYC. But 9/11 changed everything he is told, so get ready for a rough ride. So Jack gets his lesbian studio assistant to marry him so he can stay in the USA. Perfect solution ... oops ... turns out if you marry after visa expiration notification you can get into some deep dodo. Lesbian chick wants to bail out on this deal ... no jail time for her. Poor Jack! Jack just happens to meet a lonely Spanish/American guy at an art opening! Things get hot between them. Spanish/American guy to the rescue, let's get married ... all is right ... not so fast. The gay marriage deal isn't going to work either. And on and on the story goes. Little Tara gets sick, Jack and Mya have a falling out, Spanish guys father falls over dead (and Spanish guy gets all upset over this even though he hasn't spoken with his father for 20 years and dear old dad tried to stab him once!) You can just hear the weepy violin music in your head - such drama! Guess what - happy ending! Turns out Spanish guy inherits a famous vineyard, Jack goes through with divorce, little Tara gets well, Mya aces her nursing test, and Jack flies off to Spain to jump into the eager and now wealthy arms of Spanish guy. All is right in their world.Now the twist - two gay guys instead of a guy and a girl. Big deal.
gradyharp It is refreshing to discover a little film that deals with important issues and respects those issues to the point of avoiding cliché and parody. I DO was written, produced and stars the very talented (and handsome and hunky) David W. Ross who has composed a story that deals with the now newsworthy attention on Proposition 8, the Defense Of Marriage Act (DOMA), immigration issues, and the spectrum of the gay community, and from these poignant issues he delivers a touching, humorous, tart, and ultimately deeply moving film.Jack Edwards (David W. Ross) was born in England but came to America to study Photography and is successful in his art but lacks a significant other: we get the message that he has transient affairs with men who disappoint him. We meet Jack in a restaurant where he is joining his brother Peter (Grant Bowler) and his wife Mya (Alicia Witt) to hear that Mya is expecting. The happy trio leaves the restaurant and in hailing a cab, Jack drops his wallet and when Peter attempts to find it Peter is killed by an oncoming car. Devastated, Jack assumes Peter's role with Mya and when her daughter Tara (Jessica Tyler Brown) is born, Uncle Jack helps Mya raise her (Mya is in Nursing School and needs supportive assistance). The relationship is warm and each of the three enjoys each other's presence - young Tara is utterly accepting of Uncle Jack's being gay - a fine lesson for all adults...Jack is notified that his Visa is expiring and he must return to England unless he can find a way to attain a Green Card. A very fine councilor, Gloria (Patricia Belcher) is strict and warns Jack that unless he finds a way to stay he will be deported. The idea of getting married as a means of obtaining a Green Card is raised and Jack's close friend, the lesbian Ali Federman (Jamie-Lynn Sigler) has just been dumped by her lover Christina (Ashleigh Sumner), and agrees to marry Jack to support his staying in the US. Meanwhile Jack, who usually has one night stands with such hunks as young Craig (Mike C. Manning), meets an architect from Spain, Mano Alfaro (Maurice Compte) and the two share many traits and philosophies as well as a powerful physical attraction and they become a couple. Feeling abandoned by her soul mate, Ali decides to ask for a divorce and this creates a real crisis that must be solved. But in the end the need for real love and for family and for meaning brings this beautiful story to a meaningful end.The cast is exceptionally fine - without exception (little Jessica Tyler Brown at times steals the show but that is due to the brilliant lines Ross has given her) - and the cameo role by Mickey Cottrell as Sam, Jack's mentor in Photography and dear friend, is particularly meaningful to the story. But one of the most important aspects of the film is the very positive light that it sheds on equality of people - gay and straight - and how that honest depiction of people of all sexual persuasions can and do live bonded by the importance of the family of man. Highly recommended. Grady Harp
Laura Harvey Thankfully after a much anticipated wait I was lucky enough to see this fabulous movie in London @ LGFF on Saturday 23rd March, and it was so worth the wait & did not disappoint me.From the opening scenes, I was enticed into the story of Jack Edwards & walked alongside him in his journey to find happiness at the end, and what a journey it was. I did not see all the twists in the story coming, but they were amazingly told & acted by the whole cast, keeping me on the edge of my seat as to what was coming next (sign of a great movie in my book).The screenplay story being told is emotive, passionate, heartfelt, informative & relevant. There are 'tender' moments, 'laugh out loud' moments, 'hot ;-)' moments & 'OMG how dated are those laws' moments, this movie tells & highlights the important message of 'Why is one love more acceptable than another' love is love & all love should be equal because we are all equal, and I hope this movie succeeds in helping to change laws so we can all be free to love whoever we desire with no discrimination.This movie belongs on the big screens worldwide, and I for one hope to see it there, so that I can see this amazing film again & again, this movie can be enjoyed by everyone & anyone who has a open heart, I cannot recommend this film enough, if you are lucky enough to have the opportunity to see 'I Do' grab it, I know I would...xx
Paul D I saw this film at the BFI film festival in London at the weekend and was not really sure what to expect but went in with an open mind, I knew from the first twist in the film after just 5 minutes that it was going to be good.The film deals with the DOMA issue which is currently big news in the USA but less so here so faced an uphill battle to educate British audiences on the subject which it achieved with ease, The fact that this film was independently produced just adds to the warmth and feeling of the film, It makes it more intimate without the Hollywood gloss.The film plays with emotions on very different subjects as there are several unexpected twists and turns throughout and you are left not knowing right up until the closing scene what the final outcome will be.The film has obviously been aimed at the gay market however like only a handful others before it is strong enough in its own right to break away from the genre and become a universal film for anyone to view without the need to be labelled as a gay film.The acting, production, location and story line is simple yet stunning and the story has stayed with me and had me looking into the DOMA cause several days later - Certainly one of the most impactful stories i have seen in a long time and cant wait to watch again, I strongly recommend this film to anyone you will be left wanting more!