I Got the Hook-Up

1998 "A truckload of cell phones... turns into a boatload of cash!"
4.1| 1h33m| R| en

Two broke buddies feel lucky when they come upon a truckload of cellular phones and begin selling them out of the back of their van. Trouble arises though, when the phones develop faults. The two friends then not only have to deal with unsatisfied customers but also the FBI.


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Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Lancoor A very feeble attempt at affirmatie action
Claire Dunne One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
covenant_advocate329 I just recently saw the review by some homie who accused this movie to be a blatant rip off of Friday. With all due respect to the dude because he from tha N.O. like me, the concept of this movie is NOTHING LIKE Friday. In fact it's BETTER THAN Friday! Why? Simple because the comedian Anthony "AJ" Johnson was naturally funnier than Chris Tucker as smokey because he didn't have to use his trademark or gimmick like Chris Tucker to be funny, such as the bobbin of the head when he puts emphasis on a particular word like "MAN"! Chris Tucker was funny of Friday because of the way e would say things BUT Anthony Johnson was funny because OF WHAT HE SAID!! Perfect example, when he was having a exchange with Sheryl Underwood's character in the movie, he said she looked like Wesley Snipes when he did the movie: To Wong Foo. That was HILARIOUS because SHE DO LOOK LIKE WESLEY SNIPES IN DRAG! lol And the plot was better because these two characters, Master P and Anthony Johnson unlike Cube and Tucker had aspiration to go beyond the lower class economic estate and into the middle or the upper class thru SELF-EMPLOYMENT which in real life should be a option among EVERY BLACK MALE AND FEMALE IN THIS KINGDOM!!
nifabs The scene where his mum and dad went to bail Blue?? from jail.She was sprinkling Holy water!!!.She was cursing all the demons (in the form of prisoners)to disappear.That scene almost killed me.I actually laughed and ended up weeping.When some of the prisoners heckled her, she shouted at them, "Your Mama, All your mamas".That's one of my fave jail scenes of all time.Get Back Satan.Disappear Demons!!!!!!!!
bob the moo Black and Blue are two street hustlers who run a ghetto superstore. When they take delivery of a load of mobile phones they think they have it made and start selling them like hot cakes. However when their phones interfere with a radio broadcast, sending details of a money stash out over the air, the two men become the target of a local criminal. Meanwhile the mobile phone company are investigating the new numbers when Black's girlfriend Lorraine is unable to keep them all covered.I watched `Barbershop' a few days ago and gave it a bad review, however now that I've seen this I feel I may have been harsh. This film is awful - yet more cheap crap banged out by No-Limit to try and add to Master P's bank book without any thought of quality control - how very like everything he does! The plot is, well, non-existent. It is merely a series of stupid jokes and scenes with little cohesion. The whole thing seems to be put together for two reasons, 1) to feed Master P's ego and 2) the mis-belief that black people want to see Ricki Lake characters.An example of 1) is the way that the film goes into a playas club at one point, to allow our `heroes' to be surrounded by naked black girls - why? I have no idea but P seems to be having fun. The second thing is seen all through the film in that every character is a joke - a real annoying joke. Squealing and swearing non-stop every character is irritating and unlikeable and, true to form, any white person is a racist (who is brought low by a black man) or a snivelling nerd. Such lazy writing is just plain annoying and it doesn't work.Worst of all is the fact that none of it is funny - none. I half smiled twice at the rapid mouth action of Blue but that was forced on my side. P is an awful actor - I saw him mugging in Dark Angel as well, but here he is worse. He seems to believe that he just needs to swagger and mumble to look cool and he is sadly mistaken. He just looks like a stereotype which I suppose he is - everything about his bling-bling lifestyle is just one big cliché that he brings nothing new to. Johnson is a little better because he makes fun of himself more than P does but even this is lazy swearing and mugging stuff. The rest of the cast is made up of `big-booty' type actresses who are sexy but no more than that and are just like you'd see on Jerry Springer - really lazy stuff guys.Overall if you want a lazy, clichéd film that is full or stereotypes, swearing and cheap jokes but lacking a single laugh then this is the film for you. I think anyone who thinks they have seen a lame comedy should watch this film just to see how bad a bad comedy really is.
wayno-6 I would love to see a "G" rated version of this movie.It never let's up in its use of the "F" word. In fact in the opening words of the movie, it used the "F" word.I think if they made a "G" version of this movie - there would be NO dialogue -- the movie would be one long "MF" BLEEP!This isn't even a good "bro" movie. Bad acting, bad dialouge. It did have a semblance of a plot though.Let me put it this way - if I had to choose between this movie and "Pippi Longstocking" -- it would be a toss up...Wayno

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