I Lombardi alla Prima Crociata

8.3| 2h5m| en

Set during the Crusades, the story of Lombardi opens with the rivalry of two brothers -- Arvino and Pagano -- who vie with one another for the love of Viclinda. Pagano attempts to kidnap Viclinda and commit a fratricide, extinguishing Arvino, but succeeds only in murdering his father in error; circumstances force him into exile in the Holy Land. Thus begins a complex and harrowing series of events that will ultimately lead to the reconciliation of both men, followed by the death of one.


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Artivels Undescribable Perfection
HeadlinesExotic Boring
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
TheLittleSongbird I Lombardi is neither one of Verdi's best or one of my favourites of his operas. It has fine music certainly especially the act 3 violin prelude, but the story is even more complicated than Il Trovatore and I still have difficulty fully believing the part where Oronto converts from Muslin to Christian so he can go to heaven. Nonetheless any Verdi work is well worth hearing, and I Lombardi is no exception. Being the only production to be available on DVD as of now, this La Scala production is definitely worth seeing. The costumes and sets do have a certain atmosphere, and the staging even at its most functional in Act 3 is never dull. The orchestral playing manages to be confident and emotionally complex, the chorus rousing and well balanced and Gavazzeni's conducting is typically autocratic. Exceptional performances too, with the one disappointment being the strained Arvino of Carlo Bini. Jose Carreras is in the role of Oronte, the role is somewhat restricted but the beautiful tone and musicality of Carreras' voice is still on display. Giselda is the character who I think ties the opera together, and I found Ghena Dimtrova outstanding, being intense, moving and vocally volcanic. Silvano Carrolli sings with his usual richness and plays Pagano/Hermit beautifully, and Luigi Roni doesn't disappoint either. All in all, a fine production. 9/10 Bethany Cox

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