Ice Queen

2005 "Gruesomely deformed... viciously powerful... terrifyingly evil!"
3.1| 1h32m| R| en

A unique female specimen from the Pleistocene Age, a.k.a. the Ice Age, is kept in cryogenic stasis while being transported back to civilization in a military convoy. When the convoy is raided by mercenaries who move the specimen onto a plane, the "Ice Queen" awakens in an uncontrollably aggressive state and kills the pilot, causing the plane to crash into a resort. Having survived the crash, the Ice Queen embarks on a rampage throughout the resort, forcing the survivors into a desperate battle for survival.


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Also starring Noelle Reno


Laikals The greatest movie ever made..!
Cortechba Overrated
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Phillipa Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Foreverisacastironmess She's here to make us hurt ain't she!? I think this is a great example of a movie so bad it's good, and there are very few that I can honestly say I enjoy for that reason because I usually find the whole 'B-movie' thing a bit hard to grasp, as I like films that I personally consider fun, not 'bad'. Anyway this definitely ranked among that list right away. It's a very straightforward and ridiculous half-baked horror movie that's only really good for a laugh, and going into it I had no expectations one way or the other, especially after seeing the opening scene, but it soon had me chuckling at it from how joyously goofy and cheap everything about it was, and I just really got into it and found it surprisingly entertaining and a lot of fun to watch. It's one of those trashy horror pictures that are meant to be absurd, and not in that obnoxious obvious way where you're constantly getting little winks to the camera, but in the sense that to an extent it's taking itself seriously, which for me is where a lot of the comedy comes from, especially in the scenes where the ridiculously pretty cast members try to show how scared they are of the Ice Queen. The actors weren't the worst that I've ever seen by a long shot, they handled their lines competently enough. This was surely no easy task when you consider that they had clunker lines like "It's show time in Bitch Town", to contend with! And special kudos to Ami Chorlton's wicked performance as the Ice Queen herself, who is of course at the center of this crazy movie, and is the sole reason why it works. Now here was a right vicious bitch, I don't recall ever seeing another villain quite like her. She's a truck-drivin' mad momma from the Ice Age and she's all p****d-off and bitter cause she hasn't got any in like a million years! Why the hell does she start out in the movie looking like a regular beautiful woman and then turn into blue-fried s**t when she awakes? Who cares, the plot calls for a scary monster woman chasing people around, we got one! Her motivation? We never really know, she just seems to be kind of, evil. She's pretty simple. Archetypal. She just wants those damn humans dead and when she finds a warm body she's like:I need to kill that! Ha, she sounds like a guy! Like everything else in the movie, she pretty much only gets points for camp value. I love all her freaky writhing and the way she always looks like she's power-walking everywhere! I liked her neat method of dispatching her victims by sticking her hand into them and freezing them from the inside-out. And when she meets the one teenager trapped in the avalanche-covered ski resort who steals her heart for some reason she is then driven - she gonna get that f*****g man!!! Why was he so much colder than everybody else? The scene is so totally hilarious where she's acting all coy like she still think she's sexy. You just know they had to have broke up in laughter a few times when they were making that scene! I thought the makeup effects of the character looked great, she was fairly scary. Reminded me of the creatures from the two 80's Demons movies. ::: At first glance it appears to be your typical B-movie and in many ways it is, but to me it rises above that somehow. The most straight-up loony moment is when the crazy scientist nerd person shares a surreal pow-wow moment with the Ice Queen where they both 'roar' in triumph of her victory over a most worthy foe! Recommended if you have a sense of humour and even the slightest appreciation of the lovably bad. It's got the right amount of cheese, charm and snowy madness. Whether they went out to make it purposefully hilarious or not, Ice Queen is just awesome! Look at that sexy beast strut!!
Rich Wright Why is it ALWAYS the blonde, fake-tanned, silicon-enhanced skank they show with her bits out in modern 'horror' films, and not the natural, attractive ones? There is a bimbo in this movie who talks so dumb and is such a bad actress, she makes the ladies from TOWIE seem tolerable by comparison. The biggest laugh is when we find out she's in law school... this is about as likely as me being a midwife. If the director had any sense he'd have killed her off after the wet t-shirt competition and the shag in a hot tub, but nope... Instead she hangs around like a bad smell, ruining every scene she's featured in. At least she's getting plenty of help there...Onto the monster. It's a massive smurf with spiky teeth and some red wires trailing from it. It moves like your drunk uncle trying to play charades, and kills people by plucking their hearts from their chests. Fortunately, it doesn't recite any weird chants like Mola Ram in Temple Of Doom. In fact, it doesn't say anything at all, it just drools and snarls and licks it's lips. It is also completely unscary, so even in movies as appalling as this when the creature usually provides some blessed relief, here it just highlights how shoddy and pathetic the whole enterprise is.What else? Well, there's a HUGE avalanche scene that may have worked, apart from the most obvious use of green screen EVER. (And WTF is someone banging a gong as part of the background noise during it?) And there's a cute dog, with more talent in it's right paw than the rest of the humans put together. Apart from that, it is boring, boring, boring... then the giant smurf appears, and we wish it would go back to being boring, instead of just painful.Fortunately, I don't envisage the makers being in a position to pollute the atmosphere with more of their garbage films for quite a while. After all, the profit margin from selling two copies a week at Poundland must be somewhat slight... 1/10
eah51 I'm not going to recap every flaw in this movie, others already have and it would take way too long. I'm just going to hit a few of the most memorable moments and ask some questions that the movie didn't answer.....Who was that military unit and who was attacking them? Was that even in the script, or just some leftover footage from another movie? Who was the guy who killed the pilot? Where'd he come from and what made him decide to fly the plane? They spent way too long in the bar scene, who walks around a bar with a wet t-shirt before the contest? How much money did she really need for "law school" anyway? her story keeps changing. I'm guessing she keeps using her tuition on breast implants and trashy clothes.Any chance to believe anything in this movie vanished when the 911 operator hung-up on the bartender after calling him a drunk. Why didn't he keep calling? or call someone else? Why were there 7 people at the lodge and 30 cars in the parking lot?Who was the Dr? What was his story? Why did they stay in the same part of the lodge, just going back and forth? Why didn't they try to escape? Why didn't they start a fire, with all that wood laying around, to stay warm and scare the ice queen away? No point in trying to be logical now.The only reason to watch this movie is seeing a bimbo in the thinest possible clothes, a tight top, a short skirt and high heels running around in the snow and freezing temperatures, with no winter clothing and she never makes an attempt to find any. It's obviously not really cold, she'd have gotten frostbite on her toes in a few minutes in those shoes! Even before the avalanche, who dresses like that at a ski area in the winter? I could go on, bad special effects, lame sets, no real snow, horrible continuity, bad acting, but my review is starting to look like the movie, a disorganized mess. This movie should get zero stars, can we have a zero star choice please?
Xex-Arachnid The head line should say it all and to go off on that, it's true. To create a monster nowadays is hard enough, and when you do come up with one that can potentially scare the paste out of someone, it's usually wasted in horrible "horror" movies or commercials.Let's see, the reason why I rented this movie was because I've kept seeing it popping up at all the rent franchises for 3 months and finally gave in.Now in terms of already expecting a disappointment, I am not not disappointed but still throw up my hands when pondering if cheap CGI is the all sum total future of movies, then I will cancel all my memberships of the evil celluloid corporations and just buy the classics and F the rest.And yes, Jennifer Hill is a lovely slice of lemon mering pie but that was not the reason why I had rent this and her lovely synthetic ta-tahs couldn't save the movie even if they busted out of her Victoria Secrets strap case.Now let me get into the movie. If you don't know what the movie's about, well it's about a doctor and his archaeological team finding the find of the century, a frozen woman from the ice age who has genetic structure solely made out of liquid that is meant to be kept below 30 degrees. The doctor plans to fly his novelty via private charter plane which was infiltrated by some money hungry mercenary type guy while in route get's frozen and kill mid flight, leaving the doctor to steer the plane in a mountain peak causing an avalanche that destroys the small skying community below. In the midst of all of this, all the characters who've survived meet up and try to lead a caravan out of the submerged town, getting killed by the ice queen. And in the end, the two main characters survive with the would be ex-alcholic uncle and his bitch (hehe) who's playing red-cross searcher above.Okay, for the monster, in the beginning of her introduction was very good for me. The way she moved (writhed) and growled and flicked her tongue made the actresses performance very believable but too much of it made it get played out quick.As for the brother in the movie, well it's typical for this character type to have the persona of being around white folks through out most of his life but tries to talk black or say a few lines that sound black but very unconvincing. I mean for real, I know that there's brothas almost everywhere but I highly doubt they make collards in the killingtons, if you know what I mean.The doctor is some kind of crack pot, weirdo which is typical of these doctor types, who some how survives the monster's attacks as if they share some sort of union which compromises the character because the logic is, if you raise a baby croc, it will eat you so I think it would apply here as well.Also, if such a discovery was found, I don't think the U.S. government wouldn't be involved, since such grants for such things are granted by the U.S. of A and since they know everything, I think some agent would be sent to see how their money is spent. So in reality, there would of been a military personnel present throughout but then again, there wouldn't of been a movie.Also, the part where the ex-alcholic uncle used emergency services to call for help was turned down by the operator because she'd thought the uncle was going through one of his drunk rants of madness. WRONG-if this were real, that person would of gotten fired because all emergency calls have to be taken seriously, but then again if this was the case, there would be no movie.Now in summary, I can understand that a lot of things in this movie was poor due to a serious lack of budget but if that's the case, then a movie (no matter how promising) shouldn't be made.