Illegal Business

2006 "It's All Part Of The Hustle"
3| 1h31m| en

After stretching the limits of his employment with a notorious crime boss by dealing drugs on the side, Tony (Jose Rosete) runs into real trouble when he gets too close to a crooked cop. Suddenly, he finds himself at odds with his employer, his partner, his drug supplier and the law in a climactic finale that will seal his fate. Victor Sarigosa co-stars in this Spanish-language drama written and directed by brothers Ed and Jose Quiroz.


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Titreenp SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Payno I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
sabhin Well the movie is full of bad words. Makes sense if you are using those words yourselves very often. I didn't like it for the fact that you cannot watch it with family. I give the movie 2 of 10. Well talking about the actors. They have done a decent job. Not special to write someone about it. The background score is also very dull. No suspense at all. Script is also very dull. Looks like the script has been written by someone who is very new in the field. Overall a boring movie. Since the start the movie is very slow paced. It does gather some pace in the middle but fades off during the end. Had the script been modified and some good songs or some interesting people been added, the movie could have been much better to watch.
eighties My favorites are always low budget direct to video flicks and this happens to be one of my favorites. A GREAT freaking story with some crazy twists at the end. I thought the acting was incredible, at least all the lead characters. The camera was gritty and it reminded me of the shield. Lot's of action and shoot them up killings. If you're into crime lord action flicks then this is for you. I also liked the soundtrack. I think they're all Northern Cali rappers. Add it to your net flix cue and you'll be happy. 9 stars for an indie action. Better than a lot of poop out there today. It also reminded me of some early John Woo type action, like the stuff he did in Hong Kong before he went all Hollywood. If I had one complaint it's probably the lack of any sexy females but since this is an all out action shoot them up I guess I can't have it all. I always like to see breast though, HAHAHA.
steamerstimpson This is the 10th movie collaboration from the brothers Ed and Jose Quiroz, with so much experience I would have expected better. The movie is centered on two gangsters who are working for Lead man played by Victor Sarigosa. On the acting front, most actors look very uncomfortable in their stance and some of the actors appeared to have trouble walking. Jose Rosete shines way way above the other actors and I believe saves the movie from being just awful, but even so, he is well below par. The film gets off to a shaky start, I initially thought that I had sat down in front of an adult movie, after about twenty or so minutes the film picked up pace and with some very good editing it became very good and dare I say engrossing, the most striking observation at this point is that there is little if no dialogue and each scene is cut to bare minimum in length. Overall it is the script and cinematography that lets this movie down more than anything but having said that, the camera work is probably good considering what equipment I imagine the crew are using. More noticeable is a lack of attention to detail. For instance the homes where most of the filming takes place are believed to belong to these tough criminals but the decor and level of cleanliness, not to mention a vase of flowers which wanders into shot several times leads us to think that they are the homes of middle aged ladies, which kept me thinking that these guys live with their mothers, but where are they? If this had been the first film by the Quirozes I believe it would have been a good attempt, however, after more than ten films apiece the product is very poor. Sorry guys
hlc_weed I for one like B-movies. If u like B-movies too, I suggest.I saw it about a week ago and when I decided to watch it, I didn't get my hopes up. Plot is fine and the FX aren't that bad. It's simple gangster movie with the usual happenings. They sell dope, collect money, usually they beat up the guy, or brake something. Violence should've been better, guns r so fake. In the end wins the one who can pull out his gun faster, than the other. Everybody loves the money.....The more, the merrier!!!I'll give 4* out of 10*(B-movie rating)

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