Illuminating Angels & Demons

6.1| 1h30m| en

This investigative documentary based on Dan Brown's book Angels and Demons seeks to uncover any possible truth behind the theories posed in the story. Is the Vatican secretly embroiled in an ancient war with the Illuminati or is the story posed by brown pure fiction?



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Executscan Expected more
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
valis1949 ILLUMINATING ANGELS & DEMONS (dir. Dan Hall) This documentary film offers a rather questionable analysis of Dan Brown's best selling mystery- thriller, ANGELS & DEMONS, but it's really only a collection of frivolous speculations and ill conceived assertions about ancient secret organizations and dubious conspiracies. Since no conclusive proof is put forth, their arguments rest on 'lack of evidence to the contrary', and this assertion is proof of nothing. For example, Bertrand Russell once postulated that there was a china teapot on an elliptical orbit between Earth and Mars that was too small to detect, and since no one could offer evidence to the contrary, then this would make the flying teapot a reality. Orbiting teapots or nefarious Freemasonry notwithstanding, this film can provide some entertainment value especially if you enjoy points of view that lack general approval or unusual interpretations of historical events. But be forewarned......"When you hear hoof-beats, don't think zebras".

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