In Memorium

2005 "What's scarier than dying?"
4.7| 1h13m| en

A man dying of cancer installs a series of cameras in his home to try to capture a paranormal entity that has been causing issues in the home before he dies.


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Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
shoesncandles It's In MemoriAM. With an "A." Seriously, somebody should have caught this. An actor, a tech, an editor, a producer... SOMEBODY. If you can't spell a word, it probably isn't a good idea to use it in the title of your movie.The movie gets points for containing some truly creepy moments, but the premise is weak--is there something unique about this sort of cancer, that documentation would be of use to posterity? is it a life insurance thing, proof of illness, SOMETHING? anything? any reason at all the cameras are on except to make the movie?--and the last ten minutes undo just about everything. I won't say WHICH iconic horror film this particular movie takes its ending from, but it's pretty much a direct rip. If you're unfortunate enough to go ahead and watch this thing, you'll see what I mean when you get there.Again, some half-decent weirdness here and there... but overall it's pointless, unbelievable, and generally not worth your time.
jakewashere This is not the first horror film to rely on the claim of documenting real events, but it works as well as, or better than, other movies of its kind (such as BLAIR WITCH). If anything, it's more claustrophobic; all the events take place in the same location, and usually indoors. The actors don't ham it up, either; it would have been fatal to a movie like this. The realism of their performances combines with their mundane surroundings to create a very convincing and unsettling experience; it's not fast-paced, but a film like this doesn't need to be fast to hold you in suspense or creep you out. And it is VERY creepy. Pray for this one to get picked up so you can see it for yourself.
Gary B. Phillips I consider myself a huge horror fan - I like everything from slashers to psychological thrillers. But I'm incredibly picky about what films I consider to be classics: The Exorcist, Rungu, The Mothman Prophecies, Session 9.So when I was looking over the schedule for the International Horror & Sci-Fi film festival and saw this film's premise, it filled me with hope. I saw the screening, hoping the film wouldn't suck, and within the first 15 minutes all of my fears went away and I was left with an amazing experience.I won't spoil anything but I'll leave you with this: This was one of the few films I've ever seen that made me grab my wife's arm in fear and - at one point - almost turn away from the screen. (Audition is the only other film to hold that honor.) The atmosphere and tension that the director creates is incredible.If this film is playing at a festival near you, don't hesitate to see it. They haven't announced a DVD release yet but I'll be adding it to my collection as soon as they do.
ninjaactiongrip I'm usually not one for a film I would call formulaic, crap like the J-horror rip offs or stupid gore fest revival makes me gag. But this movie, well, I have never seen an audience jump and grab onto each other like they did in this one. For an indie movie made in the director's own house (yes, her own house), the acting is pretty good, the camera work is impressive and the pacing is excellent. The complete absence of a score makes this even more all to real. Had the chance to talk to Amanda and she is not 100% on this film getting picked up and released, but I hope for the sake of all of you out there it does, you will love it and it will haunt your dreams for days.

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